Love Handles

urquetto Posts: 11
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello folks

Just looking for a wee bit of advice.

I'm enjoying steady weight loss since 5th January - lost 20lbs so far. Noticing a difference in my appearence - face is much thinner, stomach is flatter. My hips are shrinking but i still seem to have huge love handles.

I'm running, rowing and cycling 4 times a week with conditioning work (sit ups, planks, gym ball work) and doing a Body Combat class once a week.

I know I can't spot fix but is there any techniques to help target this horrible horrible area? Or will it just take more time and hard work until I see the results?

Thanks in advance x x


  • I was just getting ready to post about this topic, lol! I hope there is some advice out there because I'm curious as to how to target somehow that area. Also I have issues with the fat for us ladies...right under the bra line in my back. Any tips on how to get rid of those?
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Hate to say it, mainly because you've probably already heard it, but it's going to come off your body whenever it wants to. Just hang in there and keep going at it! Sooner or later it will have no choice =)
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    you should give Zumba a try.....its alot of fun & it works!
    I am in my 8th wk of classes & I've already noticed considerable loss in my
    obliques/love handles/abs/legs.....its awesome!!!
    Good luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • OMG I'm so glad there is someone else on here that likes zumba!!!! I've done it for about 4-5 years now and I love it. I would become an instructor if I could afford it.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    OMG I'm so glad there is someone else on here that likes zumba!!!! I've done it for about 4-5 years now and I love it. I would become an instructor if I could afford it.

    I <3 Zumba!!
    Do you take a class or have dvd's??
  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    OMG I'm so glad there is someone else on here that likes zumba!!!! I've done it for about 4-5 years now and I love it. I would become an instructor if I could afford it.

    There are so many people on this site that love Zumba!(me included!) It is quite a popular topic on the message boards.
  • eerrrrg
    Love handles are the LAST to go...such a frustration!

    And i too love Zumba! I havnt been for a while, but my new gym is abut to start classes so i'll be zumba-ing it up nce again!
  • eerrrrg
    Love handles are the LAST to go...such a frustration!

    And i too love Zumba! I havnt been for a while, but my new gym is abut to start classes so i'll be zumba-ing it up nce again!
  • ZUMBA is AMAAAAZING! It's an excellent cardio workout plus it works on target zones too! I have DVD's and I go on youtube, I take a class, and now working on making up my own. :)
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    it depends on your genetic composition of your body. Example: I carry my weight in my hips and butt. I lose my first weight in my breasts and waist then butt and hips.

    Someone more apple shaped may lose in their legs and hips first before seeing changes to their arms, abdomen, and breasts.

    There's no such thing as spot reduction, but working the muscles in the area you'd like to lose in helps so that you are more defined once the fat comes off.
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