Do you have a set point?

I was pretty sure I had one. In all of my diet attempts, even the most successful ones, I could never go below a certain weight. So I decided that was my set point and that it would be pointless to try and go below it.

What I've discovered - this is the weight I can get to without a lot of effort. By following a balanced diet and exercising a few days a week (nothing really challenging), I can get to this weight and stay there.

If I really want to continue to lose, I have to put in the effort! My current eating habits are just fine, I just need to crank up the intensity in my work outs. I started trying out some higher intensity work outs (on-demand) and found that I'm losing again!

I'll be interested to see if this trend continues. I just started losing again after a 3-month plateau.


  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I met my 'set point', then continued to lose. Set a new one, continued to lose. So finally settled on a third one, and changed to maintenance. I never would have thought I could achieve below my original goal. But changing my eating totally did the trick.
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    I always have thought the same!! I was at "my weight" before my first child, back to it after my first child, before my second child...Now trying to get to that (9 lbs away!) again, BUT Im also hoping I can go a little lower. I was just thinking the other day "who says I have to stop at that wieght...I can be smaller. On here it says my healthy range and what I had as my set weight in my mind is actually at the top of the healthy range, so now Im aiming for about 5 lb lower....good luck everyone!! I sure hope I can get there!