Can NOT lose!!!!



  • steveoath
    steveoath Posts: 3 Member
    Try to exercise for longer periods (1 hour) less often.

    My schedule is:
    Monday - Strength and Conditioning (usually weights/bodyweight exercises)
    Tuesday - Thai Boxing drills/bodyweight exercises
    Wednesday - Off
    Thursday - Circuit training
    Friday - Thai Boxing Drills/Bodyweight exercises

    Here is a video made by one of the guys that runs the class (and Cathy, the "volunteer") of some examples.

    Its based on short sharp exercises routines.

    Hope that is useful.
  • levi1964
    levi1964 Posts: 2 Member
    Try working out with free weights.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    +1 for watching the sodium for a few weeks and seeing if that changes things... I know that I have eaten out way too much this week and was up a pound after losing or being steady for the past few weeks. Pretty sure it is from all that sodium! I'd limit eating out and try some other options besides lunch meat (which is really high in sodium) for a couple of weeks and see if that helps get the scale moving. :)
  • AmeMahoney
    You say you are eating "very, very clean," but in reality you are not. There are a lot of processed foods, cereals, and sandwiches/deli meats in your diary. Trade out oatmeal for the cereals (and not the instant or packaged junk - you can add boiling water to a bowl of oatmeal, place a plate on top of the bowl as a lid, and it will "cook" in about 8-10 minutes). Also, get off all the deli meats - they're not good for you. Try whole meats, lean chicken and turkey instead. These are actually clean eats, and will take care of your sodium issues as well.

    If you really want to "Eat Clean" you might try the book by Tosca Reno, the magazine called Clean Eating, or looking at some body building magazines such as Oxygen. They will show you what clean eating actually is, and give you more ideas for recipes.
  • emiliewright
    emiliewright Posts: 148 Member
    Wow, you are all so helpful- I am speechless! Thank you!
    Okay so I need to:

    Decrease sodium
    Get a heart rate monitor
    Measure myself
    Decide if I am eating too many or too little calories

  • Hotlips69
    From what I looked at just one day on your diary, you eat many things that come from a package, and your sodium level was over 2000 mg which is very high. Eating a clean diet you normally to not eat processed or package foods, or sauces. The daily intake of sodium in Canada is 1600 mg. If you stick to that you will see a huge difference. Eat whole foods instead of pre packaged. try making these small changes and see the difference.
  • BrightonChick
    BrightonChick Posts: 48 Member
    I agree with seemichellerun.

    Your sodium input is off the scale on some days and it RETAINS water! Get rid of the processed stuff and replace with fresh produce. Your weight should then reduce. Hope this helped! X
  • vegheadmomma
    Have you ever thought about doing a body detox? Basically if you go thru out your life eating the foods that are available, breathing in the dirty air, the pollutants of your house and daily consumptions you are retaining large amounts of toxins. Those toxins build up inside your organs-- especially your liver, kidneys and intestines. In so doing your body becomes sluggish, not being able to break things down efficiently, and get rid of what it should not be retaining. You will feel tired alot more, no matter what you eat or how much you sleep, you wont lose weight, you will overall not feel your best.
    I have done detoxes before and i think that they are great, it is recommended to do a detox every 3 months and a full body detox once a year.there are many types of plans, some have detoxifying foods that you eat for a certain amount of days to flush the system and organs, and some are pill systems that do the same thing. it just depends on what would work for you. I have done both. the pills are easy-- but you have to pick something that is easy to take-- some have way to many pills that you have to take 3 times a day!
    look on line and there are lots of sites about it, also your library would have some detox books. one that i am looking into right now that has been recommended to me is the fat flush plan.
    detoxing for me has helped me drop almost 10 pounds in a few weeks and jump start my metabolism before...... good luck!!
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    I am probably not the one to ask since I have lost 1.4 pounds since starting this.....but want you to know you are supported. Do NOT quit! You NEED to do this for your daughter. I, myself, and working for my son. I would be perfectly happy eating McD's and sitting on my *kitten*.....but he needs me to be healthy.
    Couple things....1) have you done measurements??? I have lost some inches, even though the damn scale won't budge. I met a woman at Zumba class who literally has not lost any weight....but is down two dress sizes.
    2) I took a look at your food diary very quickly. You might want to cut back on the pre-packaged stuff. Yes, it is 100-calories, but the sodium and other stuff in it will have you holding weight like crazy. I saw a lot of days you were over on sodium. I struggle with this too. I just read in Health Magazine that it should be under 2300.
    3) Vary your work out. Why not try 3-4 days a week for an hour vs. 20 a day???
    4) If you have a child, then you are familiar with "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" (Finding Nemo). Keep at it! Maybe you don't look like you want to on the outside...but the inside is thanking you. (lower cholesterol, lower body fat, lower blood pressure......there are so many benefits). YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member

    I have been at this for 1 full month, hard at it. I work out 20 minutes (average 220 cals burned according to the machines) 6 days sometimes 7 days per week. I eat very, very clean with minimal cheating. I drink insane amounts of water, to the point where I am spending a lot of my time in the bathroom lol...I CANT LOSE ANYTHING!!! NOTHING is happening and I could just cry! I feel like I am taking time away from my daughter for myself and it is doing me no good.
    CW 188
    GW 130

    *minimal cheating* What exactly does this mean? lol
    And drink less water would be a thought.
  • toodleton
    Other than sodium restrictions like the others have suggested, do you know if you have a medical condition that is causing you to not lose like hypothyroidism for example? When I started gaining a lot of weight, sometimes 11 pounds in a matter of a week and was eating good and walking daily sometimes up to 5 miles! I went to the doctor and she done some tests and realized I have a goiter that is causing me to be hypo and that is the culprit for this stubborn weight currently hanging around!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    It looks like you've only been seriously logging for a week and skipped the weekend. Give it some time and put in the work. Definitely increase your exercise. 30 minutes is the recommended amount just for maintaining weight so you need to do more than that to lose.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    First off i wanted to say that your body needs a day to recover especially from strenuous activities. Make sure you take breaks between the days you do exercise. I do not mean that you have to not exercise one day but do not do the same exercise. Your body has become accustom to the exercise and it is used to the pain so you cannot go anywhere with it. So make sure when you do strenuous exercises that the next day you do one that is not as hard. Also make sure you are not doing the same exercise every day. Like walking for instance, if you enjoy walking do not walk the same pace, same place every day. Change it up a bit. You burn more calories on a mixture exercise then you do with a consistent one. Try jogging and then after about 5-10 minutes sprint for 30 seconds. And then jog for 5-10 more minutes and then sprint for another 30 seconds.And so on. You burn much more calories that way. Also if you are not feeling pain, then you know the old saying, no pain no gain. You will receive a little benefit but it will not be to the extent you want. So if you are not sore after you are done or the next day then change what you are doing.

    Hope this helps,
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Most people on here are looking at what you eat which is very important. But many people take exercise for granted.
  • megtisdale
    megtisdale Posts: 4 Member

    First of all, I'd definitely cut back on that sodium. It'll get you every time.

    Secondly, I'd cut back on the amount of processed foods you are eating. Many processed foods also contain a lot of sodium, so that'll take care of the first suggestion, too. Check out the sodium on the processed deli meats you have been eating for lunch. Yikes! You can buy a turkey or ham or chicken, and cook it yourself one Sunday afternoon, and cut your lunch meat from it for the week. :)

    I'd also up your fruit and veggie intake. You should be getting 5-6 servings of veggies per day, and 2-3 of fruit. Why not eat a 100 calorie fruit instead of your 100 calorie snack packs? It's far more satisfying.

    Are you drinking only water? I notice the beverages are few and far between in your diary.

    Also, are you WEIGHING your foods, or just estimating? Many people will find that in weighing vs. measuring, you can gain a lot of excess calories that you're unaware you're ingesting. See this video:

    Hope this helps!
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    your body could be used to the routine. change the diet up a little bit.
    and no, don't eat "more". if you're seriously trying to lose weight, don't re-eat the calories you burn.

    maybe eat smaller meals more frequently, or lower your carbs and fat.

    You DOOO need to re-eat the calories you burn. This site already sets up a defecit in your calories to help you lose weight. If you burn calories and don't eat extra for the amount you burn, you are making your defecit TOO big and it can be dangerous for your body, i.e., put yourself in starvation mode and you body will actually hold on to everything you eat - storing as fat for the next time it is "starved".
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    You say you are eating "very, very clean," but in reality you are not. There are a lot of processed foods, cereals, and sandwiches/deli meats in your diary. Trade out oatmeal for the cereals (and not the instant or packaged junk - you can add boiling water to a bowl of oatmeal, place a plate on top of the bowl as a lid, and it will "cook" in about 8-10 minutes). Also, get off all the deli meats - they're not good for you. Try whole meats, lean chicken and turkey instead. These are actually clean eats, and will take care of your sodium issues as well.

    If you really want to "Eat Clean" you might try the book by Tosca Reno, the magazine called Clean Eating, or looking at some body building magazines such as Oxygen. They will show you what clean eating actually is, and give you more ideas for recipes.

    I was just going to say this too! Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet books are FABULOUS! That is eating clean. Not the sunchips and sugar filled yogurts and 100 calorie packs. Hate to break the bad news dear.
  • seemichellerun
    From what I looked at just one day on your diary, you eat many things that come from a package, and your sodium level was over 2000 mg which is very high. Eating a clean diet you normally to not eat processed or package foods, or sauces. The daily intake of sodium in Canada is 1600 mg. If you stick to that you will see a huge difference. Eat whole foods instead of pre packaged. try making these small changes and see the difference.

    This too! You are not eating a "very, very clean diet." I see Subway, Jimmy Johns, Nabisco snack packs, packaged lunch meats, chips, etc. in your diary. For a clean diet, you need WHOLE foods. Veggies, lean meats, fruits, beans, nuts, and whole grains. Try to follow the 3 step rule. If you can visualize your food in it's natural state in 3 steps or less, then it's the better choice. For example Cow -> Steak -> Ground Sirloin.
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I am in the same situation as you are in. I have determined to not let it get to me though! My pants do fit better and overall I feel healthier, I just don't see it on the scale. I've decided 1. my body just doesn't want to let go of the fat yet 2. I am not eating enough or 3. I am gaining muscle. I know if I give up, in a few months i'll be kicking myself. Keep it up, we will see the results we want! This week I am experimenting with eating a little more some days and I did order a HRM. Good luck to you!
  • emiliewright
    emiliewright Posts: 148 Member
    Now I am confused! Eat the excerise calories or dont?
    I realize that I am not eating "clean" but holy moly...I sure thought I was!!!!
    This is so discouraging...I dont know how much cleaner I can get!

    Would changing from yogurt each day to oats help?