This may be too much info... But, my boobs seem to be gettin

I swear breasts are meant to shrink when losing weight?



  • sabichu
    Getting bigger*
    That seems to have cut out of the topic title. Lol.
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    i was just saying the same thing yesterday. i think it's because the rest of me around them is getting smaller... but they're definitely looking bigger. and quite nice i might add.
  • AmeMahoney
    Usually they shrink because they're just fat, and you're losing fat. If the rest of you is getting smaller, then they may appear bigger. This happens to me, at least for a while. This is why I always say it's best to take your measurements so you can tell what's going on.
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    lucky you, mine are the first to go.... and I feel like they started falling to my knees. UGH
  • sabichu
    Lol. No. They seem firmer and bigger because they're fitting better in my bra! In fact it's a bit too fitted. I don't mind it though. Haha.
  • chuckanderson
    Is this some ploy to get guys to add you to friends?
  • SophieAnastasia
    The fat in your boobs may have not gotten off yet, fat goes off of different places on your body at different times :)
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    you may be one that carries weight in your breasts more. everyone is different from where weight loss occurs from
  • sabichu
    Is this some ploy to get guys to add you to friends?

    I'm satisfied with just the one man in my life thank you very much. Seeing as this is a weightloss forum, what better place is there to ask about this and other peoples experiences/views? Don't be so rude and make assumptions next time. I can tell you in all honesty I am an extremely modest woman thank you very much. If I could I would only allow female users to reply, but unfortunately I can't. Pfft, seriously, how rude.
  • ralevin
    ralevin Posts: 131 Member
    As a man, I'm probably a bit ignorant on the issue.

    But, is it possible that the muscle underneath is getting firmer, and therefore you're seeing the results you are seeing?
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    As a man, I'm probably a bit ignorant on the issue.

    But, is it possible that the muscle underneath is getting firmer, and therefore you're seeing the results you are seeing?

    That's what my husband said because mine are getting bigger too. I was a 36 forever and now the tape is saying 37.
  • sabichu
    As a man, I'm probably a bit ignorant on the issue.

    But, is it possible that the muscle underneath is getting firmer, and therefore you're seeing the results you are seeing?

    That may be the case. It's all new to me! Lol. In the past when I had lost weight they had decreased in size, funny how this time it's the opposite effect.
  • AmeMahoney
    Is this some ploy to get guys to add you to friends?

    I'm satisfied with just the one man in my life thank you very much. Seeing as this is a weightloss forum, what better place is there to ask about this and other peoples experiences/views? Don't be so rude and make assumptions next time. I can tell you in all honesty I am an extremely modest woman thank you very much. If I could I would only allow female users to reply, but unfortunately I can't. Pfft, seriously, how rude.

    I'm pretty sure he was just making a joke. Especially since it looks like he's got a female in the picture. It's not like he asked to cop a feel or anything.
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    It's possible you're retaining water in your breasts? Or you're just lucky :D

    I'm the opposite, the first 5lbs I lost i went down a half a cup size so now my large B's are super loose and the small B's fit perfect again. Sigh .. at this rate mine are going to disappear.
  • Cristy_AZ
    I'm going to agree that it's probably that you are building muscle under there... are you doing pushups or lifting weights? Every body is different and reacts in different ways at different times to weight loss, but yes, most people mention loosing in that area, if not in cup size, definatley in band size. I've notice I have to use the next notch on mine and I don't think the cup size is any different, but they do look bigger (hubby says so) because of the loss of fat in my upper body and the push ups help a little with the affects of gravity too... it's an optical allussion I can appreciate!
  • sabichu
    I'm going to agree that it's probably that you are building muscle under there... are you doing pushups or lifting weights? Every body is different and reacts in different ways at different times to weight loss, but yes, most people mention loosing in that area, if not in cup size, definatley in band size. I've notice I have to use the next notch on mine and I don't think the cup size is any different, but they do look bigger (hubby says so) because of the loss of fat in my upper body and the push ups help a little with the affects of gravity too... it's an optical allussion I can appreciate!

    I do a lot of push ups and weights actually. You must be right (as well as the others who mentioned this muscle thingy). It's definitely a plus opposed to my past of looking a bit saggy once i'd lost weight. I fid a good sports bra may have benefitted as well!
  • sabichu
    Is this some ploy to get guys to add you to friends?

    I'm satisfied with just the one man in my life thank you very much. Seeing as this is a weightloss forum, what better place is there to ask about this and other peoples experiences/views? Don't be so rude and make assumptions next time. I can tell you in all honesty I am an extremely modest woman thank you very much. If I could I would only allow female users to reply, but unfortunately I can't. Pfft, seriously, how rude.

    I'm pretty sure he was just making a joke. Especially since it looks like he's got a female in the picture. It's not like he asked to cop a feel or anything.

    I just don't like assumptions being made (I'm rather aggressive as you may have noticed, lol). Whether it's a joke or not, assumptions tick me off! Probably due to family members and my boyfriend ALWAYS throwing assumptions at me.