You are all inspiring to me!

I really love to get on here and read success stories and see how everyone is doing with their goals. I really want to lose weight and for some reason cannot find the motivation. I had my baby 8 months ago and Ive tried off and on to lose weight and I just dont stick to it; I also work full time. I dont know what my problem is. Prior to being pregnant, I was very active and very healthy. For some reason I cannot jump back on the bandwagon. My daughter should be my motivation because I want her to grow up in a healthy lifestyle. I do not have much weight to lose, my ultimate goal is just 13 more pounds. The other weight just fell off, but now Im at a stand still and have been at 153 for a few weeks. 8 pds to go and I will be in the healthy weight range for my height! I plan on starting Monday after I go to the grocery store to stock up on good food. My biggest problem is food and sweets. I love food and I love sweets and portion control is hard for me. I would love words of wisdom!


  • 3kidsin3years
    3kidsin3years Posts: 116 Member
    Good luck on your journey Sarah, there is a wonderful support system here! I'm down to the last few pounds also, unfortunately, our last child turned 3 back in November!!! =) It sounds like you're in a good frame of mind, wanting to be healthy and to show your daughter the healthy lifestyle that you hope for her to have. And I'm right there with you, loving food, sweets in particular and I personally had no concept of portion control, if I was hungry, well then my body must still need food. (Ha!) I've only been on here a few weeks, but have had some success already. To me, the best thing was logging my food and exercise, seeing what I was eating and seeing what I really *needed* to eat. I already look at my food with a more scrutinizing eye, which has helped alot. I have to admit, this week has been a toughy, wanting more sweets, or just one more serving, or to taste whatever it is that I just made for the rest of my family, but I'm working on it. I keep gum on hand, someone else has mentioned to brush your teeth whenever you feel the urge to snack, things like that might help curb the cravings. One thing I do for myself, right or wrong, at the beginning of the day when I'm in my food diary, I add my end of the day snack that I want (read: will have no matter what), so that I can plan for that and I usually succeed at staying under calories, so it's worked for me so far. Hope this helps and again, good luck! Feel free to "friend" me if you want, have a great day!!!