Hello =]

I have always been slightly overweight since the time I was five years old. When I look back at pictures from my childhood, I can tell that I wasn't really happy with my body image. It's just something that I have always struggled with but it got worse when I hit Middle School. We all know that kids can be really cruel and I think that's when my weight really became a problem for me. When I hit 8th grade, I noticed that I finally lost some weight and started to look like an actual person. I've been pretty much the same weight ever since then. I will be 21 in less then two weeks..

However, I am still overweight and while I love myself, I am still struggling with my body image. I am just not where I want to be weight and health wise. So I am starting a brand new lifestyle change today in hopes of reaching my goals and sticking to this change.

It's not going to be easy and it won't happen in a day but I know that I can do this and finally reach a point where I am totally happy with myself.

I think my biggest problem is going to be that I am hungry 85% of the time.


  • hamster123
    Hello and welcome to the Site. Good luck. Just keep going and logging and you will succeed.
  • ChristinaKY
    ChristinaKY Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome. You will be surprised to find that once you are eating healthier and wiser, you won't be hungry. This has been the best part of doing this versus many other fad diets. Like you said, this is a life-style change. You are going to do great and you will amaze yourself if you just commit and stick to this. Good luck on your journey!