Good friend?????

My week has just been off to a bad start :cry: ....This weekend I finally got the nerve to tell my friend that her husband is possibly cheating with someone who hangs out with us. I personally haven't seem them out together but the other girl has told me they talk on the phone and meet for lunch/dinner sometimes. This obiviously has chaned things with all of us :brokenheart: so now I'm wondering if I did the right thing. I know when I put myself in her shoes I would want to know ....All this stress has caused me to eat, eat, eat, :frown: I know should go to the gym and sweat it out but not feeling up to that either :cry: .


  • josovi
    josovi Posts: 13
    My week has just been off to a bad start :cry: ....This weekend I finally got the nerve to tell my friend that her husband is possibly cheating with someone who hangs out with us. I personally haven't seem them out together but the other girl has told me they talk on the phone and meet for lunch/dinner sometimes. This obiviously has chaned things with all of us :brokenheart: so now I'm wondering if I did the right thing. I know when I put myself in her shoes I would want to know ....All this stress has caused me to eat, eat, eat, :frown: I know should go to the gym and sweat it out but not feeling up to that either :cry: .
  • ladywalkalot
    ladywalkalot Posts: 230 Member
    Personally, I would want to know.....both things you mentioned are inappropriate for a married man, especially if his wife is unaware. If she knows and is fine with it, it's is her issue.
    I would also watch my back re: the "friend" you all hang out with that has no problem having a private relationship with a married man.....
    You did the right thing, and she'll (should) thank you one day.....
  • josovi
    josovi Posts: 13
    Thank you for the advice. This whole situation has got me thinking, maybe these aren't "friends" that I've been hanging out with :huh: and maybe I should start picking them wisely.... Again thank you:flowerforyou:
  • Meriller
    Meriller Posts: 55 Member
    I believe you did the right thing - as you said, I'd want to know. Just remember, having done so, her innate reaction is going to be difficult and mixed. While she may be glad to have the info, her knee jerk reaction is to want to disbelieve you, and to be embarassed and deeply wounded all at the same time.

    Of course this other "friend" in your group should know better than to be hanging out with another woman's husband. I personally would definitely cut ties with her, but that's me. I have a hard time with people who are that blatantly disrespectful of others and wouldn't be able to trust her again. I'm not saying that's what you should do, you know the situation much better, but tread lightly!

    All in all, take heart - it took a lot of guts to do the right thing!:flowerforyou:
  • bonita87
    bonita87 Posts: 50
    i agree with meriller

    dear dont blame ur self u did the right thing if i was in her shoes i would be thankful to have some1 like u around telling me what i should know rather than leaving me in the shades ... thats exactly what my best friend would do too ...

    rather than sitting and eating try being around her since u told her u should be around comforting her maybe she needs it ... and remember eating wont solve a thing it will just make u feel worse and if u dont stop it ..itll become a habit and breaking a habit is tough ,,,,

    u just did the right thing
  • Lifeisgood2008
    Lifeisgood2008 Posts: 66 Member
    You did the right thing. My ex cheated with a woman that we use to hang around with, the four of us use to go out together, she was my neighbour and my son's best friend's took about 18 months for the whole truth to come out.. neighbours figured it out before I did, I thought that I was going crazy and imagining all sorts of things. Neighbours "danced" around the whole thing, but no one ever came out and said something. I sure wish they had, it would have saved a whole lot of crap that happened to my kids and myself.