Just started using this app on my phone!

i just downloaded this app to my phone and i am really excited to start using it. My current weight is 189lbs. This is the most i have weighed ever and i cant believe i am just eleven pounds away from 200lbs. That scares me. I turn 34 in April and i am aiming to be 10lbs lighter by then. I think it is a reasonable goal. I am not going to follow a specific diet but i am going to make healthier food choices. My main problem is not exercising enough so i am committed to doing some kind of exercise everyday. I just need to get moving. I am making TurboJam my main cardio and i am using Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones for strength workouts. It's gonna be tough but i am really tired of being fat so i am doing this for my health & self-esteem. I would love to make some buddies, so if my story rings your bell, contact me so we can support each other. :^)