Looking for others who have started at 250ish and trying to



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Can I join the club -
    start at 275 currently sitting around 251.6
  • dreamc08
    dreamc08 Posts: 74 Member
    I started out (this time) at about 255. I'm down to 247 in about six weeks. My ultimate goal is 150-160. I've joined a weight management program offered by my health insurance and local gym. I'm currently working out 4 days per week (1 hour of cardio per workout and an hour of strength-training every-other workout).

    MFP has my calorie goal as 1850/day, which is close to what my dietician suggested. My calories seem to vary quite a bit from day to day. I haven't made any major diet changes... I'm just trying to make smarter choices when it comes to food: portion control, more fruits/veggies, "good" carbs instead of "bad", and less processed food in general.

    I'm trying to avoid "diets" and fads, because I've done most of them before and they've gotten me nowhere. I'm simply making small changes to make myself more healthy and weight-loss will be a reward of that. I've got to be able to maintain this new lifestyle. Slow and steady :)
  • rlynnst
    rlynnst Posts: 14
    How do you get in all your calories. Ijust logged my food and excercise. It said I earned and extra 1300 . How do u get it in there . There is no way i can. I am doing good to get in the 1900.
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I began in January 3rd at 260 and have now lost about 18 pds. I eat about 1420 calories and readjust every 5 pds or so. I eat cereal, oatmeal or toast with pb and bananas for breakfast. Lunch consists of leftovers from the night before, soup or tuna and crackers. Dinner is usually chicken, veggie pasta or fish, salad and a vegetable. For snacks, I have rice cakes, carrots and hummus or yogurt. Granola bars are a favourite as well.

    I've not been losing weight quite as rapidly lately so I've got to change things up a bit somehow. I began exercising in February, but the weight still isn't coming off. I'm going to sit down and re-think this soon. Perhaps calorie cycling may be an option.

    Nevertheless, I'm pretty happy with my loss thus far although I can hardly wait until people notice my loss.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    I started in October at 247 lbs. I have found that giving up soda and replacing it with water, limiting my coffee intake and adding tea helped. I also limit refined sugar/flour/gluten/dairy and soy. I eat vegetarian meals most days of the week - red meat a couple of times a month,fish and chicken. Salads with lunch and dinner and mostly fruit or veggies for snacks. My calories started at 2400 and the dr. just dropped my range to 1800-2000 cals a day.

    I exercise daily for 45-90 minutes.

    Glad you're here.

    Friend me if you like.