Doing it right this time!

My name is Jason and I am a male from Arizona. Over the past 3 years I have been the quintessential yo-yo dieter. I am 5'11 and started off about 3 years ago at 250 lbs. After a summer of crash dieting (aka starvation and cigarette smoking), I was down to about 182. However I was probably more unhealthy at 182 than I was at 250. I was smoking almost a pack a day and I was desperately weak since I wasn't working out. Friends made positive comments about my weight loss, but a couple of friends also pulled me aside and made comments about how weak my arms looked.

It was true, much of my weight loss had come at the expense of lean muscle. Over the next year or so my weight crept back up to around 210 lbs. I was still smoking and most of the weight I put on was fat since I was lacking in lean muscle. This October I quit smoking and another 10-15 lbs was quickly gained as my body struggled to adjust.

I ate like a pig over the holidays and the result was by mid Jan I was at 225. I finally decided that if I could quit smoking I could also quit my dependence on crappy food. So starting in mid Jan I began using MFP to set some goals and monitor what I was putting in my body. I also began a intensive weight training and cardio program that would help rebuild some of the muscle I had lost. So far since mid Jan I have cut 14lbs of FAT this time and MFP has helped me get there the right way this time!


  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    I have a somewhat similar story. I've been a yo-yo'er too a large portion of my adult life. Seven years ago I lost 95 lbs and kept it off for a good year or so. Eventually 10 lbs came back, but I still was strong and it was an easier weight to maintain. I then quit smoking and gained about 15 lbs. Then life got in the way, workouts became secondary to me and another 15 crept on. I was at a weight that I was very disappointed in and promised myself that I would never go back to again. On January 10th I found MFP and really liked the ease of use and the goal setting strategies it uses. I too am down 14 lbs since I started using it, am back in the gym in a big way (dispite an ACL injury I am currently healing) and I feel so much better. I've got 21(ish) to go and then I'll be at a weight that I know I can maintain.

    Congratulations on all you've done so far this year! You've got the drive and I'm sure you'll make it to where you want to be!!! Best of luck!