couch potato to marathon help

sarahlouisah Posts: 116
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I have set my self the tarrget to run a half maratho april 2012. I dont know if this is to ambitious as I have not ran since I was made to at school over 10 years ago. I also seem to forget to breathe when doing cardio. Can any one help with how to approach training for this and good targets to work towards . Thanks for any tips :0)


  • I'm not a running expert, but I've done two. All it really takes to do a marathon is time and DETERMINATION! You CAN do it!! Good luck with your training! :-)
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Look up couch to 5k or the jeff galloway method. Run & Walk until you are there. You can do this but it will be a slow and steady conditioning. IF you have a Galloway group in your area, I highly recommend looking into training with the group....plenty of folks who are not runners finished a marathon here with the Galloway method last week and had a great time training together besides.
  • That's plenty of time to prepare for a marathon! I'd recommend starting with the C25K program (couch to 5K). That's what I did and it helped a lot. To really prepare for a marathon you need 4 months after you have that base, but the more time you have, the better. Go to a running store and get properly fitted for shoes. Do not wear cotton socks nor clothes. Trust me on that. Good luck! I couldn't run a block before, and now I've done 1 full marathon and 6 half marathons. I use the Galloway run-walk method and I feel totally fine after the race.
  • Haha elf...we pretty much said the same exact thing. :)
  • dkiles
    dkiles Posts: 45
    You could first set some smaller goals to work up to it. I am a 1/2 marathon runner. Start with some 5K's and then work your way up. You can find tons of training tips online. It really does help to find a running partner to keep motivated and for accountability. I am not some super athlete, I run because I need to exercise and I love getting out in my city and getting those different views. Where I live we actually host a big 1/2 marathon every year and a local running store had some training groups. There are organizations out there that train people for races and in return you raise money for charity. Team in Training is one of the more popular ones. They are pretty good about working with beginners and it's a lot of fun. I went out with one of my friends today. We were out early and got to watch the run rise over the city, it was beautiful. I get so much out of it for body, mind and soul.
  • Hi, there are many programs that have a schedule to do just what you want to do. I started one, C25K (couch to 5 K in 9weeks), It was actually too slow for me. I had been walking daily for about a month when I started running. Running 1 minute and walking 1 minute didn't seem like enough so I just started running till I got tired, at first 2 miles now I'm up to 3 miles every other day. I'm going to increase my distance gradually. I'm shooting for a half marathon by November. One year should be plenty of time, don't over do it or you will just give up. GOOD LUCK!
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    I went through this same thing many years ago. I went from a virtual couch potato to running a 10K in less than an hour in about 5 months time. It felt great! My next goal was for a 1/2 marathon which was another 5 months away. I started training to hard and fast for it and ended up injured. I was laid up for about 3 months, and picked up my training much slower and the in less than a year, ran my first 1/2 marathon!!! I was not able to run the whole thing, I walked part.... BUT I completed, which was good enough for me!! Since then, I've ran another 1/2 and a few more 10Ks. My goal is set to run a full marathon this fall, but my stopping points are that I always manage to injure myself in NON running related, clutsy issues!!

    Hal Higdon has some great running programs to follow. There are also several programs you can follow out there to train for this. I think that you could run it before your April goal. I feel that you can do it in less than a year. Pick up a few 5K and 10K races along your way to gauge your progress and to get a feel for how it feels to run in a race. Even though you're just racing yourself, its a whole different feeling than a training run! Its fun and once you've set the goal its so motivating to hit your goals!!

    Best of luck to you! If you want to, feel free to add me as a freind and we can support one another in meeting all of our goals!!!
  • thanks one more question is there any threads I can join or would anyone like to join if i made one if they have similar aims and would like a goup thread for motivation?
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