Should I shift my Diet for that 'time of the month"?

Ok, so it's that time of the month for me and since this is the first time I'm watching my cals and exercising while it's happening I have a few questions.

First, I read online that women can burn about 15% more cals during their periods (on avg.) and was wondering if I should eat more cals because I already feel depleted of energy trying to keep on track with my current daily goal.

Also, any recommendations for exercise? I tried to do this Dance Workout by Gold's Gym today, and while I usually do it awesomely with not a lot of probs, I had to take constant breaks today and didn't work nearly as hard as I usually do.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance to anyone who helps:)


  • mlemonroe2
    This is a good question. I'm curious to see what people say, I've never thought of changing my diet during my TOM.
  • rcrea
    rcrea Posts: 80
    It's been noted that a woman's body needs more complex carbs during menstruation. Maybe that's why you're feeling easily fatigued. Perhaps if you added a little more good carbs to your diet during that time for an increase in energy production that would help. Just a thought.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    for the exercise bit I would try simply going for a walk. As for the diet bit I always find I get the real munchies for all the wrong foods so to avoid going over on cals I portion control everything I want but in no more than 100 cals I have never upped my calories thou x
  • PrincessLacey
    honestly i eat like more junk food just in moderation ya know i gain 2-4 pounds then after it i drop it because like most of it it's water.
    and exercise i do ....some very little because i sweat some when exercising but it's like 10x's worse during my period and i hate it!haha i'm such a girl.
    my methods are awful yeah but they work for me
  • Grace76
    I'm not sure that time of month actually burns calories, or if energy levels are low and it takes more calories to keep going. If you feel hungry or tired it may be good to eat a little more. Just don't fall into the cravings of chocolate and potato chips :smile:

    If you've never had problems doing the workout before, I would say that you haven't eaten enough, or you haven't eaten enough of the good stuff. Also, remember to drink plenty of water!

    And as for exercise.... walks, runs, bike rides, yoga, Zumba, circuit training (you can get some good ones online). Run up and down your stairs 10 times and then do a bunch of sit ups. Anything that gets your heartbeat going is good :smile:
  • PrincessLacey
    and i drink a TON of water/decaf tea works too