Eating Crap

jcburroughs Posts: 16
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I feel horrible Ive been eating all the wrong things and havent been to the gym. Ive lost 3lbs and i hope i havent put it back on. I feel low :(


  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    It's a new day today - and new hour...Start fresh today...!
  • Remember to take one meal and one day at a time! Don't worry about what you did yesterday because that's in the past. Some days are going to be harder then others, don't let it get you down.
  • MalyMal
    MalyMal Posts: 102 Member
    :happy: Don't worry....everyday is a new day you just have to remember old habits are hard to break. I am the same way so you aren't alone, I struggle with snacking and eating the wrong foods. Just give it some time it will get easier.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    Can't change what you already did. Just eat right now. Don't weigh yourself untill you have eaten right and stayed in your calories for a few days. We all have our off days, or weeks :smile:
  • bossmodehan
    bossmodehan Posts: 210 Member
    Try to turn this low into motivation to reach your goals. Next time you think about eating rubbish or think of an 'excuse' to not go to the gym, remember how crap you feel now. DO you really want to feel like this again? Or do you want to feel healthy, energetic, and in control???
    Also, don't forget to record your 'crap' on here - the punishent of having to do it will be even more motivational to not do it again.
    At the same time, don't be too hard on yourself. Don't deny yourself when you have a craving or it will just lead you to cave completely - there are plenty of guilt-free alternatives on these forums. Think positively about the changes you want to and WILL make.
    Best of luck with your goals, and don't forget about all the support there is on here!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Clean out all the junk in your fridge and cupboards -- toss it! If it isn't there then you can't eat it. Then go to the grocery store and stock up on some healthy foods -- vegetables, fruit, greek yogurt, whole grains, lean protein, etc! Plan out some meals you can have for the week -- sandwiches, wraps, soups, etc. and buy the ingredients you need to make them.

    Once you stop eating the crap you won't feel like it! :o)
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Can't change what you already did. Just eat right now. Don't weigh yourself untill you have eaten right and stayed in your calories for a few days. We all have our off days, or weeks :smile:

    I agree. Get back on track TODAY but give yourself several days back "on the wagon" before weighing yourself. And, even when you're eating the wrong things, log everything. It's so easy to get off track when not keeping track. Even when I have a super-terrible night out of eating and drinking and I end up hundreds of calories over, I log it all just to keep the act of control present in my mind. That way I'm not automatically tempted to let a bad meal turn into a bad day, then let a bad day turn into a bad week, and so forth.
  • I totally understand. I've been in a funk lately and have some made some poor food choices as a result. Most often I'm fine all day long, but I get home and my careful planning just goes out the window. I'm slowly working my way back and am trying not to beat myself up. Do you have any workout dvds at home? For me, sometimes it's easier to motivate myself to work out if I don't have to go anywhere to do it. I made another bad food choice this morning and decided to exercise instead of giving up for the day and I'm SO glad I did! Good luck- you can do this!
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