New weight watchers point plus



  • JulieTX86
    Already over 1200 calories w/ MFP but still have 4 points with WW.....

    well reason is... WW calculates points with calories, fat and fiber.... so on WW 100 calories may be two points, but if the fat content is too high then it may end up being 4 or 5 points etc. so calories and points will never exactly match between the two sites.

    I too recommend picking one site and sticking to it (tracking wise), but if you like both message boards on both sites then by all means use them, ya know.

    I just don't see the point in double tracking.

    Agree-double tracking is driving me new point on ww is no longer on calories its all based on fat , carb. protein and fiber-the old way was way better--thanks for you input-i want to know what people think .

    So, to clarify, the new point formulation does not count calories into the configuration?

    I ask because I am a wellness coordinator for a company, and there are several people wanting to do WW. I am on here to check this out to possibly start an initiative using MFP, so I am very interested in your input.

    correct the new weight watchers point plus is no longer counted by calories...its based on protein, fat , carb and fiber----i think thst is why i find it so confusing now, the old way was based on cal but all changed now....old plan i used to get 18 points now i get 29 and i guess thast because fruit is free(no points)

    That system just seems so scary and untrustworthy to me. If that is how it is from now on then I am definitely never going back to WW (after finding MFP I was pretty certain I would never go back, and I am even encouraging others to try MFP first). WW claims that they are all about a "healthy lifestyle" and not just a diet, but that's not what it ends up being. Just like one of the other posters said people can end up eating 600 calories of lemon cakes.

    Using MFP I have actually learned a LOT more about eating healthier. Seeing all the different numbers (Protein, fat, carbs, sodium) etc. in the red and green really helps me alter my food choices versus just seeing the number 4 or -2 etc. at the end of the day.
  • karriecook
    karriecook Posts: 84 Member
    I did WW and had success until I quit, then I gained it back (plus pregnancy). I tried doing it again recently, but it just wasn't working.

    Then I came here (for free, I might add) and lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks. MUCH better than with WW and I'm never hungry and I eat what I want. THIS made me change my lifestyle...WW just made me count.

    I agree with this 100%!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I came to MFP because I was so disappointed with the new pts. plus program. I was just losing and gaining the same pound every week for four weeks in a row. Here I have learned alot more about healthy eating and exercise. This website is more of a lifestyle change than just another diet program. I have heard from alot of people out there that the new Weight Watchers program is not working for them. I wish a had the money back I spent with them, but they won't refund it. When I explained I was unhappy with the results, they just said I would still have access to their website til my time was up. Never again will I try them now that I have found this website. I'm much happier here with MFP.
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    I came to MFP because I was so disappointed with the new pts. plus program. I was just losing and gaining the same pound every week for four weeks in a row. Here I have learned alot more about healthy eating and exercise. This website is more of a lifestyle change than just another diet program. I have heard from alot of people out there that the new Weight Watchers program is not working for them. I wish a had the money back I spent with them, but they won't refund it. When I explained I was unhappy with the results, they just said I would still have access to their website til my time was up. Never again will I try them now that I have found this website. I'm much happier here with MFP.

    yeh their new plan dont seem to be working for alot of people. i agree mfp is so aweosme , so many poeple to help u in ur jouney-thanks for your opinion i appreciate it
  • heatherhoover12
    i am currently a weight watcher member with the new points plus and it works... the key is exercise and tracking. Its very simple. Having to pull my phone out to figure out points... makes me stop and think if i really want it. I am never hungry and am just loving the success. What works for some people may not work for others. everyone needs to find what works for them.
  • mhlauer
    mhlauer Posts: 1 Member
    Are you truly hungry?