Does anyone stay under their sugar goal?



  • dkiles
    dkiles Posts: 45
    When I signed up the system gave me 165 grams of carbs a day which I look at as sugar. I am trying to keep net carbs 30 to 50 grams a day. You get net carbs from subtracting fiber grams from carbs.
  • KarleeMusick
    I wouldn't worry about the fruit sugars too much. They are sugars that are natural and easier for the body to digest. As long as that is what the sugars are from, then you should be fine.
    If you're really that worried about it, maybe just cut down on How Much fruit you eat. And try not to get too much sugars from anything else.
    I think that as long as you're still eating healthy then you should be fine!
    Personally, I really just try to pay attention to my calorie and protein intake anyways.
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    i'm curious to see the answer on this as well. i love coke and cut myself back to 1 a day on most days and replaced it with low cal g2 but even 1 sends me over the sugar goal!!!!!!!!!!

    Have your tried Coke Zero or diet Coke??

    i've tried diet coke- it tasted kinda flat; but not coke zero. i have started substituting plain water for some of the g2 because of the salt content. i don't feel too bad cause i went from 3-4 cokes a day to 1 plus some g2 and upped my water intake from 1 bottle to 2-4 a day. i'm gonna try the coke zero to see how it tastes though. thank you for the suggestion!!!!!!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Hi.....just took a look at your food diary and yes, I agree that you should try and sub the gatorade with something else. Also, banana is very high in sugar (I know its yummy) :)
    Try a low cal no sugar flavored water instead of the gatorade. Just a thought. Good luck! :)

    I was going to note the same thing. Gatorade is contributing to 21g of her sugar. Replace that with water, or as I have been doing because our Tap Water is terrible and I can't afford to spend the money on bottled water, I use Crystal Light Sugar Free mix... one tub to a gal. (Versus the half gallon that one tub makes). Also, scrolling through some of the older food diary, it looks like your Yoplait Smoothies also contribute to a high sugar count.

    Also, instead of a whole LARGE banana, maybe try half a large, or buy smaller bananas.

    We got a Brita water filter pitcher for our water. It's awesome. Maybe that will help? It's initially a cost, but saves money over time.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    As long as the majority of my sugar is coming from fruit and unprocessed sources (which it is), I don't worry about going over my sugar for the day. I eat 3 servings of fruit a day and that puts me over.
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    Hi.....just took a look at your food diary and yes, I agree that you should try and sub the gatorade with something else. Also, banana is very high in sugar (I know its yummy) :)
    Try a low cal no sugar flavored water instead of the gatorade. Just a thought. Good luck! :)

    I was going to note the same thing. Gatorade is contributing to 21g of her sugar. Replace that with water, or as I have been doing because our Tap Water is terrible and I can't afford to spend the money on bottled water, I use Crystal Light Sugar Free mix... one tub to a gal. (Versus the half gallon that one tub makes). Also, scrolling through some of the older food diary, it looks like your Yoplait Smoothies also contribute to a high sugar count.

    Also, instead of a whole LARGE banana, maybe try half a large, or buy smaller bananas.

    I know about the Gatorade. I just started this week and went from having 4 pops a day and no water and basically shoved everything unhealthy in my face that I could find. So after cutting all pop and sweets...that was kind of my one little "sweet reward" per day. If you look I was over my sugars or right at them before the smoothies or gartorade. But yes I know I need to cut the gatorade for sure and probably the smoothies, but then I have 300 calories I am short...
  • kelligonzales
    I try as hard as i can to stay under, sugar makes you burn calories slower.... so now it's something i monitor.
  • dunztar
    At first it was hard but now I am actually a lot closer
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    KNGARBER - I say take it off your settings. Fruit is sugar and I have yet to be under as well. I took it off mine as it just made me anxious. Worry about one thing at a time. Stay under your calories... slowly the rest will develop, like an exercise plan, different foods, etc.. : )

    You have been staying on your plan so be happy and proud of yourself!! : )
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    KNGARBER - I say take it off your settings. Fruit is sugar and I have yet to be under as well. I took it off mine as it just made me anxious. Worry about one thing at a time. Stay under your calories... slowly the rest will develop, like an exercise plan, different foods, etc.. : )

    You have been staying on your plan so be happy and proud of yourself!! : )

    Thank you! :) I might take it off as long as I am losing weight and revisit it later...if I stop losing weight.
    Thank you to everyone else and all the info and advice!
  • callipygianchronicle
    This thread convinced me, too. I’m going to stop tracking it.
  • dunztar
    I ate 1 cookie today. Already over 21 grams yikes... and I am only by lunch... going to do basketball today though
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    i've tried diet coke- it tasted kinda flat; but not coke zero. i have started substituting plain water for some of the g2 because of the salt content. i don't feel too bad cause i went from 3-4 cokes a day to 1 plus some g2 and upped my water intake from 1 bottle to 2-4 a day. i'm gonna try the coke zero to see how it tastes though. thank you for the suggestion!!!!!!

    What size bottle??? You should be drinking one half your body weight in ounces every day. A 190 pound person should drink 95 ounces of water every day.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Options has my food tracker for 29 grams of sugar per day. I have yet to be able to do this. Most of the time it is because of breakfast and choosing to have a fruit with it. Today I didn't think I did anything badly and I still went 31 grams OVER. BOO! That is the best I have done all week though :) I stay under everything else but sugar and fiber??

    So here is my important is it to stay 29 grams and under and how do you do it? I don't want to cut fruits out, but that seems to be what I am eating that has sugar in it. I seem to remember way back when hearing something about fiber and having so much fiber counteracts sugar. I could be way wrong ont his because when I say way back when I mean high school health class...10 years

    Having an eating plan higher in fat, protein and vegetables keeps me well under the sugar grams.
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    I just asked my sister (who just had her 25 anniversary of her diabetes diagnosis last year) about this last night due to some comments on here. She is just now being told to limit her fruit intake because she's pregnant with #2 and she's having trouble controlling her sugars this time. They keep bottoming out on her. That's 25 years of being able to eat as much fruit as desired (just not going overboard as with anything and everyone). I agree with everyone else who is saying our body is meant to use/digest the natural sugars and not the processed ones. As long as you keep the processed ones to a minimum and if the fruit causes you to go over the don't worry about it. None of us on here got to where we are by eating too much fruit. The only exceptions would be specific medial conditions. HTH.
  • MaryDreamer
    I track sodium instead of sugar because if I eat one large red delicious apple that's 25 of my allotted 29 grams of sugar a day. I've heard that MFP doesn't differentiate between healthy (fruit) sugars and unhealthy (processed) sugars. So if it's fruit I'd just overlook it although you can eat too many fruit in a day as well.
  • jppizana
    jppizana Posts: 59 Member
    I try as hard as i can to stay under, sugar makes you burn calories slower.... so now it's something i monitor.

    Can you supply some some sources for this information? I haven't heard of this before and am curious.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I know everyone has different opinion on this - but for me

    - i wasn't losing weight until i have finally started watching that " sugar # " as closely as i could- all m y sugar came from fruits and fruit yogurt ( yoplait etc ) so i thought " i'm ok " .. it's no big deal

    well it was a big deal all my efforts/ workouts etc didn't give me any results at all

    finally talked to a nutricionist/personal trainer and she explained to me - that " sugar is sugar " no matter where it comes from if you don't use it you will store it - especially having fruits later in the day gives you these sugar spikes which leave you hungry and " down " need more energy etc..

    I didn't know " how " to cut my sugar since i had no " sugar " in my food.. other than fruits and yogurts

    turned out too many carbs - since i started watching my carbs- the sugar was under control !
    I'm satisfied - not hungry and i don't have the " spikes " of high and low energy levels .. and finally the weight is coming off
    last month i have lost 9 lbs - this month 3 lbs
    only difference i'm doing now

    - more protein
    - l ess carbs
    - sugar is automatically under control once you control protein and carbs
  • trigrrl
    trigrrl Posts: 104 Member
    funny thing is i was talking about this very thing to my boyfriend the other day
    i had a bowl of rice crispies, a banana, a splenda pack and fat free milk for breakfast and that alone put me over
    i think its great to be aware of sugar intake ( cake, pie, cookies ) but i think its silly to freak out over fruit
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    well maybe it sounds silly to freak out over " fruit " but look .. th is is my expereince with it

    just one example out of many ..

    used to be on weight watchers - first 3-4 months i had lost about 25 lbs .. than for the following 6 months i couldn't lose another pound.. i worked out like crazy watched all my food- my points were always on target- so what is going on ?

    than i sat down and read trhough my diary i realized that the one thing i had every single day - in and day out.. never missed


    yes i didn't eat anymore sweets/candy etc.. but i had to have my grapes i needed that sugar- and for lunch i'd have a nice amount of them..

    so i decided to leave the grapes out- just for one week and see what happens- nothing else was changed just left grapes out -had more salad instead for lunch

    - 6 lbs ! just in that week - and it stayed off

    i know this is no " scientific " research for you - but it's exeprience, it's a journey of weight loss - and isn't that what we all are here for ?

    too much sugar isn't working no matter where you get it from