Low Carbers...Oh where oh where are you?



  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    I'm a low carber as well; I hope to lose 221 pounds by the end of the year. Combining low carb, with exercise...

    Carbs don't usually tempt me, except for fruit. I go nuts around fruit.

    I've been drinking Walker Diet shakes mixed as fruit smoothies, and this seems to take off the edge.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Just wanted to throw in a comment. I'm not a fan of low-carb but I am a fan of semi low-carb. I'll try to explain it like this. I workout a lot. I run around 15-20 miles a week and lift weights 2x-3xs a week. Thus, I need fuel to keep up with my exercise routines. I have been on low-carb and I would feel so sluggish attempting a 3 mile run or lifting weights. So I tinkered the low-carb equation a bit by cutting carbs only after I work-out. I eat Healthy Carbs during the day to keep focus for my activities and workouts then no-carbs post-workout as I have technically used up all my carb stores during the day. I never sleep on bread or carbs. Thats the killer. But I feel like this is a safer way to dieting than totally cutting out one essential nutrient which can have its sideeffects. Be cautious when it comes to carbs, eat them during the day, space your meals, and proteins and fats at night and exercise as ur body can handle.
    I agree for someone at optimal weight who is doing hard labor to build muscle you should be at maintenance levels of carbs, which for everyone is a different number!