Do you drink tap water?



  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Nothing wrong with tap water as long as the minerals in your area don't make it taste bad to you. I drink all day out of the drinking fountain at work. At home we have RO for our drinking water so I drink that. I think bottled water is a waste of money and resources except for maybe taking camping or keeping in a fridge where you don't otherwise have access to cold water. And of course for foreign countries where the tap water is not safe to drink.
    Boiling tap water won't do you any good. Municipal water in the US should not contain microorganisms. If you're worried about chemicals and whatnot, boiling it won't change that anyway.
    Geez, it sounds like some of you guys have your tap water pumped out of a murky creek next to the medical waste dump or something! hahaha
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I don't drink tap water, just because I don't like the taste. We have a filter at home so I drink that.

    However if it was a choice between Mountain Dew and tap water. I'd drink tap water.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    In a city, I drink tap water. My house is on a well and they found E.Coli when it was tested. There's also been an issue with nitrates found in the water here, but not at our house.

    If I was on the grid and the city or or county provided the water, I'd drink it. I loved living in NYC because the water was great!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    (Now if only I could figure out how to hack my filter replacements and change out the filter media myself so I don't have to throw them away...)

    check out tupperware's newest pitcher. The filter holder is permanently reusable, and you buy new granules from tupperware to refresh the filtering action.

    I already own a brita, but I would get the tupperware if I didn't already have a filtering pitcher.
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    I drink only tap water. I carry a metal bottle with me and fill it up in the sink whenever it is running low. The water where I live is good-- and, to be honest, I drink the tap water wherever I'm traveling in this country without thinking about it. The only times I've felt the need to buy bottled water was when I was traveling in parts of the world that didn't qualify as first world nations...
  • southernlay_d
    I drink tap water all the time. I like it luke warm, but that's just moi! :noway: I am chugging a glass right now actually.
  • jagarcia646
    Yes, tap water is safe to drink for the most part although sometimes they warn of old plumbing and piped. I still don't drink it though. Even here in NYC where they say we have the cleanest tap water. For me, it is usually the taste that I can't get past.
  • jagarcia646
    Yes, tap water is safe to drink for the most part although sometimes they warn of old plumbing and piped. I still don't drink it though. Even here in NYC where they say we have the cleanest tap water. For me, it is usually the taste that I can't get past.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i love our tap water! :) when i was younger, i used to hate going to our family reunions during the summer because their water was so gross with a weird, metallic taste. ugh! now we hold the family reunions here and they bring tons of empty jugs to take our water home. lol.
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    I am drinking a glass of tap water right now :)
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    That is both awesome and not awesome. The replacements for that Tupperware are just as expensive as a plastic filter despite the fact that it's lacking the plastic. It also looks like the filter media is the same as my tap filters media: particle filter, Ceramic beads (?), minerals, and activated charcoal. I buy activated charcoal for my fishtanks and it's very cheap. I don't care about the minerals (my water tastes fine as is) and the particle filter can be washed out and be fine as far as I can tell. Not sure on the ceramic beads (from what I've read you can bake them to clean them but I need to research that one more.) My thoughts are this:

    Replacements for current filter: Same as for tupperware- so $100/year or more since we drink a LOT of water.
    Replacement filters for tupperware: $25.00 each x 4 months- $100/year or more since we drink a LOT of water.
    Replacing the charcoal in my filter myself: $16 ever two years (how long one tub would last) - $8/yr

    I also know the carbon I can throw on the lawn with no harm to the foliage, which I don't know about on the Tupperwares.

    Also? I get to take something apart and put it back together and make it work. ^^ Infinately more fun.
    (If I fail though I will definitely be buying the tupperware one haha. Thank you for the suggestion. At least I have a backup for my potential failure)
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    water here in adelaide is pretty gross. i have what we call a puratap. which is a built in water filter. its great. i never buy bottled water unless im out somewhere and didnt brnig any with me.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I drink tap water all the time. I like it at room temperature. I use a pretty pitcher and squeeze 1/2 a lemon into it. It is refreshing and I enjoy seeing the pitcher empty. A mnd game, but it works for me!
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Our refrigerator has a filter and so I run water through it because it filters more than most of the ones you can put on your sink. What I really want is a whole house filter instead. We live in the country, and although we are not on a well, we are in an OLD house so I am certain that we get a lot of crap through the pipes. I also grew up drinking well water, and I can't stand the taste of plain water AT ALL now. I have to add something for flavor. Slice of lemon, Crystal Light packet, etc. However, if I was faced with your decision, I would have to find a way to drink the tap water because 1) I really want to stay soda-free and 2) I HATE Mountain Dew anyway! :sick: So I would go with the boiling idea, then add ice to get it as cold as possible. Hope you found a good compromise that worked for you! :drinker:
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Tap water all the way. I hate the idea of a one time use plastic bottle. Sounds like you need a filter maybe?
  • fairyjester
    can't stand the tap water here , NASTY, have a brita picther but never room in the fridge for it and i like cold water. Mostly though i drink most of my daily water at work where we have a water cooler, due to the fact we have well there. Do use some bottled water at home, keep some in the fridge to grab when leaving the house, but mostly drink diet green tea at home.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    haahha, i find the word "pitcher" funny.

    we just call it a "jug" :D
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I drink tap water, bottled water has been shown to have more live unhealthy bacteria then tap. I filter mine with a brita and will never use bottled water again. Waste of money and plastic.

    Ya, studies also have shown that some bottled water is actually just filtered tap water..... So much cheaper to just buy something like brita and filter your own. You can also get some filters that install onto your kitchen sink and use that. (they are like $40-$100 homedepot).

    I bought a water cooler to get me drinking more water, and I just fill up the 5 gallon jug using our kitchen sink faucet. :) Much cheaper than bottled water or getting the 5 gallon jugs from arrowhead or something.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Tap water here. Not bad tasting at all.
  • BrandNewMia
    Just drink the Mt Dew!

    Okay, I just wanted to be different, I really don't think you should... I also kicked my soda habit and you couldn't pay me to go back.

    I drink tap water, but we use one of those filters on the faucet. I highly recommend it - we don't buy bottles, anymore!