Lemon juice and Burning fat?!?



  • jppizana
    jppizana Posts: 59 Member
    Just to mention about a book that I ran across at the Library. I forgot what it is called but it was written about the Master Cleanse Diet. If you are unfamiliar with this diet, it is a very strict and unhealthy way to lose weight. You basically drink 6-12 eight ounce glasses of lemonade sweetened with organic maple syrup and with cayenne pepper. You also do a salt water flush in the morning and a laxative tea. This diet claims to detoxify the body and help flush out the waste.

    So, I would say that lemon juice and cayenne pepper help with losing weight but not to the extreme that the Master Cleanse diet suggests. Below is the web address for the Master Cleanse.

  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    what is the salt water flush??? I don't want to try it, lol just curious
  • A salt water flush is where you take sea salt and mix it with room tempture water and drink it. You will go shortly there after. I tried the leomonade diet but could not last past 2 days. they suggest you go like 10 days.
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