Losing while my man is deployed...

Hello to all! I joined MFP about a week ago and am excited to make some friends and get this weight off. I decided that this was a perfect time for me to lose weight as my boyfriend is deployed overseas for 9 months, and would love to use this time for ME! Are there any other women out there who's men are deployed right now?
How do you all keep motivated? I am great at staying on track for a month or two, then I usually fall off the wagon. Right now I am taking it one day at a time and really making sure that I get some type of exercise in at least 4 days a week. I am a nurse and the 3 days that I do work are pretty exhausting.
Ok, well I look forward to getting to know some people here, follow your journeys and also provide some support too!



  • littlelionesslove
    MINE IS!!
  • jesstroxel
    My husband isnt deployed now, but he is on the go quiet a bit training people for deployment.
  • courtneykrueger
    My hubby is not deployed now, but when he was... I lost a ton of weight!! It's easy to take time to yourself during thatt time... and exercising will probably keep your mind off of the deployment! And think of how good you will look when he gets home! I tried to stay busy while he was gone to keep my mind off of it!
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    My DH is thankfully home right now but it's definitely easier to eat better while he's gone- one of the few perks! Exercising myself into exhaustion about 90 minutes before bed helps me sleep while he's gone as well.
  • RobertsMommy
    RobertsMommy Posts: 22 Member
    Mine is deployed as well but we are at the butt end of it. I am so excited.
    that was my goal was to lose weight this time cuase we are going to Hawaii
    for the honeymoon we never had so I am exicted. I have lost 20 lbs and to almost
    3 pants sizes. MFP is amazing helpful and keeps you accountable and total helps you get
    started out and keeps you on the right path! So welcome you are more than welcome to add
    me as your friend and we can talk and be supportive to one another!
  • SkyeBows
    Mine isn't deployed but is at training. I am trying to lose 3 pounds a week before I see him for family weekend in about 8 weeks. The first week I didn't try very well, the second week I lost 3 pounds, but this week I didn't lose anything. I have been working my butt off though. I am not eating very healthy unfortunately but I have two kids and I find it really hard to with them but I am staying under 1300 calories usually 1200. I am spending as much time as I can at the gym but my son is difficult so its usually an hour. But with that in mind I run the whole time to get the most out of my time there. This last week I did 6 days of 45 to 60 minutes of running. I added in today 30 minutes of strength circuit and I will keep that up for whatever good days my son decides on :) I also do 20 to 45 minutes at night of basic crunches, leg lifts and usually around 100 lunges. Its easier for me to not eat then it is to eat healthy so I have a feeling that will be my biggest issue. I went to the store today and I grabbed a bunch of fruits and veggies no snacks (unhealthy) that I would eat besides a 100 cal cookie pack I stole from my daughter today :). I figure I will do my best to just eat as healthy as I can and worry more about my workouts. I wanted to lose 30 and that is still my goal but I would be happy with 20.
  • canaussie
    canaussie Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks for all your comments! This is the first time we have been apart and I am doing my best to keep busy, but I am missing him like crazy. I have found working out keeps me busy so I am not sitting around thinking about him all the time. He is going to be gone for a total of 9 months, and we are almost 2 months in already, so I am hoping time will fly and I will be close to my goal when he returns. I would LOVE to be at my goal by my 32nd bday in November. I am super excited about getting healthy and proving to myself that I have the POWER to do this...
    So, what is your #1 tip for losing, or what is one of your favorite recipes?
    Here is one of mine...

    Tortillaless Chicken Tortilla Soup
    1 t olive oil
    1 onion, chopped
    1 green pepper, chopped
    2 garlic cloves, minced
    3 Cups reduced sodium Chicken broth
    14 ounces canned diced tomatoes
    10 ounces frozen corn
    1 T chili powder
    1 1/2 cups cooked chicken breast
    1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped

    Heat the oil in a large pan over med-high heat. Add onion, pepper, and garlic. Cook stirring freq until softened and lightly browned.
    Add the broth, tomatoes, corn and chili powder, bring to a boil over high heat.
    Add the chicken and cilantro, reduce to a simmer until heated through.

    ** I added some poblano peppers to spice it up a little more, and i also let it simmer until it was nice and thick, as im not a fan of watery soups.
  • canaussie
    canaussie Posts: 168 Member
    oh, here is the nutritional info for the soup

    Serves 4
    Cals 230
    Fat 4
    chol 43
    sodium 801
    carb 29
    fib 4
    prot 22
  • SkyeBows
    yummy I will have to try that!!! I don't have many recipes I never cook :( probably the worst part about trying to lose weight but I will say a tip I have is to really increase your water intake! It really sucks in the beginning but I have been doing like 100 to 120 oz a day I tend to carry more water weight but after a good workout I see the difference in the scale so I think it really helps a lot!
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    The first time they're gone is so hard, the unknown makes it so much worse! We've got 5 deployments under our belt and they're never much fun!

    I like stirfry, we eat that about once a week. I don't use much sauce so it keeps it really low cal. We do beef, chicken or shrimp. I just throw whatever veggies I have in with the meat & then serve it over rice.
  • SherLynn87
    Hello to all! I joined MFP about a week ago and am excited to make some friends and get this weight off. I decided that this was a perfect time for me to lose weight as my boyfriend is deployed overseas for 9 months, and would love to use this time for ME! Are there any other women out there who's men are deployed right now?
    How do you all keep motivated? I am great at staying on track for a month or two, then I usually fall off the wagon. Right now I am taking it one day at a time and really making sure that I get some type of exercise in at least 4 days a week. I am a nurse and the 3 days that I do work are pretty exhausting.
    Ok, well I look forward to getting to know some people here, follow your journeys and also provide some support too!

    Wish you the best of luck. You can do it. Just take one day at the time. :)
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Deployments are tough, but it's the perfect time to lose weight!