I feel like I never do enough.

Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I am bummed right now. My next weigh in is on Monday. It will have been two weeks since my last weigh in. I have only lost 3 pounds in those two weeks. I have been on disability for over 7 years for degenerative disc disease. I was completely sedentary before I started this. When I walk 2 miles, I feel like I should have walked 3. When I do the elliptical 5 minutes, I feel like I should have done it for 10. When I do strength training with 5 pound weights, I feel like I should be able to use heavier weights or do more reps. I'm just so discouraged. I am so sick of being overweight.


  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    1.5 lbs per week really isn't bad! Keep it up! By the same token, if you feel like you can up your exercise intensity a little bit, go for it!
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    And remember... walking your 2 miles is better than 1,etc.
  • Rome wasn't built in a day! Just be patient with yourself and take it one day at a time. As each day progresses, you'll have the energy to push yourself and motivate yourself just a little more. Never feel guilty for not doing more, because ANY effort you're making and any amount of time your investing in bettering your health is a step in the right direction. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • wannbAhottie
    wannbAhottie Posts: 63 Member
    Every week you will get stronger, you will get there.... You're doing great, your off the couch, your walking those two miles and doing 5 mins on the eliptical (you started at nothing) before long you will be walking 2.5 and 7 mins on the eliptical (or whatever it may be) and you will STILL think why didn't I do more, why didn't I go father. Give yourself time and patience because you are worth it, those steps no matter how small they may seem will add up and get bigger. I have had my own struggles and still do but at the end of the day realize it's one step closer to being the you that you want to be, keep at it. ((hugs))
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    don't get discouraged, you do what you can. the fact you are doing any of those activities at all is a huge thing for you right? disc problems, i haven't experienced anything like that myself, but my mom had problems after she slipped and fell many years back, and i know how much pain she was in till she had her surgery, and even now, she still can't do a lot of things the rest of us take for granted. so you keep moving as much as you can, don't be so focused on the amounts of weight you lose each weigh in. yes big numbers are great to see, but any loss is a loss right? you can do it, just keep doing everything you are doing and before you know it, you will wake up one day and look in the mirror and say "holy cow, when did i get skinny?"
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    3 lbs in 2 weeks is AWESOME :happy: I can relate with you on your Degenerative Disk Disease I have that problem also but each day I push my self a little bit futher, when out walking sometimes I have to stop and so some stretching exercises because my back will start to hurt really bad and it's like OMG I have got to get back home and there is no one I can call to come get me lol .... but keep doing what you are doing I think you are doing a Fanstatic Job !!!!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    You are doing great!!!! You have lost more weight in 2 weeks than I have in a year and I swam over 400 miles last year (that's how much I'm in the pool). The most important thing you have is the will and the drive to get up and move. Even if you only do 15 min on the elliptical, that's 15 min of activity!!! You ARE doing it, you just aren't realizing it. Stay strong and keep up the good work!!!!
  • mistyschoenly
    mistyschoenly Posts: 3 Member
    Try to be positive, 3 lbs is awesome in 2 weeks and its also healthy. Just echoing what others have said but at least you are up doing something. To me that was the harderst thing of all. I just want to pull the covers over my head instead of go out to workout. Just think, next week you can add that extra half mile or extra 5 minutes. You dont' want to burn yourself out and you don't won't to over do it so that you body is paying in pain :) Good luck and keep up the great work girl! We all had to start somewhere!
  • I used to be like that too. I make myself look at the big picture. I may only be able to walk a mile now...but if I keep it up I will be able to do more, etc. 1 1/2 pounds/week is great. A lot better than no loss at all, and a whole lot better than a gain. That's 12 pounds in 8 weeks. Christmas day was 8 weeks ago and it seems like we JUST had Christmas last week! Add another 8 weeks and it will be 24....so on and so on!!! Just look at the big picture and realize that anything you do in effort of giving yourself a healthier life will pay off in the end!!!!!!!! I was never able to lose weight until I realized that. I always got mad at myself saying if I can't do ALL that I want to do it's not worth it cuz I wont see results as quick and I always go back to my old ways. I finally have lost 25# now which is the largest amount I have ever lost at one time. I still have about 100# to go but I know that if I keep going I will get there even though it seems like such a large number!! I'm already 1/5th of the way there :happy: You can do this...your efforts WILL pay off and you will be able to do more as time passes. I look at myself as a child learning to walk. It's impossible for them to get it right the first time. They stumble, fall, and wobble.....but with time...they get it to perfection and have no effort doing so. I don't know one adult who never got the skill down when they were younger LOL :laugh:
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Do you have an exercise schedule? like, walking 2 miles for two weeks, and then do three miles for the next 2 weeks, etc. if it's too hard, do another week of lower workouts. if it feels easy, move up. keep a chart to note your increasing stamina.

    don't get discouraged with progress. the other option is making no progress or gaining more, and that would be plain silly. you'll work out way up to it.
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