Not very successful!!

lolw811 Posts: 27 Member
I first started this on the 27th January and in my mind I had this vision of what I was going to turn into, which in my mind was a slim blonde with a nice toned body. I started out with dark Brown hair and slightly over weight

Since starting my journey to my new transformation I have had some disaster not only have I pulled a muscle in my side because I now realise i wasn't born with muscles, but i went a step to far going blonde and having bleached my hair too many times I now have bright yellow hair that is falling out!!


How on earth am I going to turn this around! I only wanted to look good!


  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    I totally feel you on the whole hair thing. I was going really super extreme and trying to get the bottom half of my hair as close as possible to white. Not a good idea with me being a brunette and all. The bottom half of my hair is so damaged and brittle and I also experienced some hair loss lol it's terrible I know... My hair was nice and long (almost to my bum) and because of the whole bleaching thing I've had to cut length off. I should've just gone with a "bob" but I don't have the heart to cut my hair that short. Vanity I tell ya. Right now I have it to about mid back. I struggle everyday with it; it gets tangled so easily. Anyways hang in there and hopefully things will get better.
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member

    Sorry to hear of your troubles.

    As far as the pulled muscle is concerned, you must make sure that you warm up before you start any exercise, and cool down afterwards. Many people ignore this, and end up injured.

    As far as the hair goes, I would find out a good professional hairdresser (colourist), and go and get some advice. It might cost some money, but hair takes an awful long time to grow out.

    Hope that helps :smile:
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Brunettes can be gorgeous too!! I used to be blonde, but it was exhausting, expensive, and I realized that brown hair really suited me best. Nothing wrong with a gorgeous, slim and toned brunette! :bigsmile:

    Maybe leave your haircolour as-is, and focus on the rest for now. Or, if you really want to go blonde, go to a colourist! That big a change can be harsh on hair, especially if you do it yourself.
  • lolw811
    lolw811 Posts: 27 Member
    I have been to two hairdressers so far, and its cost me alot of money and i hated it, so i went to sally's and bought my own professional hair stuff and then unprofessionally ruined it!! all my fault and i am gutted...

    Your so right, i should of stayed brunette but the thought of a total make-over seemed so right! I will just have to put up with my mad hair do and carry on wearing my green cap!

  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    give your hair plenty of TLC and a break for a few weeks then go see a professional and see what they can do.

    I had my hair black for ages and decided I wanted to lighten it... so I got a lightening kit from the supermarket went home and dutifully did a test on a small section of hair to get the timing right.....

    The colour test came out beautifully so I set about doing my whole head following the instructions. I checked on it 10 minutes later and was horrified to see I slightly resembled a dalmation with spots of lighter colour all over my hair. I left it the full 20 minutes the strand test had suggested and washed it out. I was horrified to see my roots where blonde, the mid section was a deep orange and the last 3 inches were still black...

    No idea why I thought it would be a good idea but I put the remaining bleach all over to try and at least get it a uniform colour I could put a dye over the top of....

    20 minutes later I looked like a tortoiseshell cat. The 3 inches from the roots were almost white blonde, the next large section was a delightful orange and the last two inches of my shoulder length curls were still a very dark brown.

    My now ex husband came home from work and refused point blank to go out and buy a dye for me so I had to stick a hat on and go back to the supermarket for a dark brown dye.

    Whilst standing in the aisle looking at hair dye colours two teenage boys came over and asked my advice on what dye to use on their own hair....I couldnt bring myself to take my hat off and show them the extent of my "expertise" I just mumbled I am not really the best person to ask and scurried off home.

    Four weeks after that horrible experience and about half a ton of conditioner used I saw a colourist who refused to colour my hair but did put in some lovely highlights etc to break up the horrible colour it was at the time.

    It must have looked ok because I went to a party at work the following week and met the love of my life who I am now very happily married to and I know very well he would never refuse to go and get my a hair dye in my hour of need :laugh:
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    A bloke chipping in....

    Dark brown hair is lovely. I would be very displeased if my wife ever decided to lighten hers.
    Exercise needs to be done with care. Warm up and cool down - let your pulled muscle heal.
    The important thing is health and well being, not how you look and how fast you get to that look.

    I can definitely sympathise with the pulled muscle as I did the same last summer trying too hard with out a proper warm up.
    I can't sympathise with the hair though - sorry - my hair went grey then fell out many years ago!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Your hair will grow out. Stop using damaging products on it and put it up until you can cut off the damaged part. Let it go back to your normal color. You are beautiful with the hair God gave you. Rest your muscles until they are better and start slowly. For now only do some walking and some gentle stretching. Do not think of this as a "quick fix". I've been at it a year and while I look so much better than I did, I'm still not "perfect".
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    I am sitting here just giggling, getting funny looks - but I can't quiet my laugh.

    A few years ago - ok, like 8 or so - it was winter and I decided that I wanted really REALLY dark hair (natural light brown, been coloring blonde since high school) went to my colorist and decided on an almost black with really goregous red/burgundy undertones. It took 2 sessions and $120 later my hair was shiny, almost black and in the light there was a hint of red/purple. Looking back on it, ya, maybe not my "best" decision I'd ever made - but I love it. Problem is, husband hated it, my mom hated it, brothers and sisters hated it. Hated. Yes, they really didn't like it. Said it made me look "harsh".

    Soooo. After one too many harsh comments about my hair, I went to the grocery store and got a "bleach blonding kit" that was on clearance. I think I paid $1.99 - off to the restroom - no test strand, just put that crap on and wait the 20 minutes. I took off the towel and my roots were bright WHITE and the rest of my hair was traffic cone ORANGE. I was horrified! I put in some deep red color enhancer that I had from being red/burgundy and thought it would magically be better. Well, it wasn't.

    My husband wasn't too thrilled at all the crying I did that night. LOL! The next day my bff came over - after I had called her frantically crying - I had a baseball cap on and my mid lenghth bright orange curls tucked under it. She cracked us both a beer and said let's see the damage......I refuesed to show her untill I guzzled that beer! She was shocked as bad as I was, but of course was holding back huge laughs.

    She made a call to the stylist - and after 4 hours, 3 shots (at the shop!) and a couple of bottles of hair stripper, my bright orange curls were now a light "peach" color and cut just above my shoulders. With in the next couple weeks the stylist gradually added in some color - and it started to look semi-normal.

    It's been years since then, I don't ever do my own hair, ever! Hope ya'll enjoyed the story, I can laugh now - but it was certainly tramatic at the time!
  • sarahlauren18
    sarahlauren18 Posts: 128 Member
    I would go and buy a hair treatment or heavy conditioner and let your hair soak as much of it in as you can. THEN to do it your self I covered up my sisters bleached blonde hair with I believe its loreal's perfect ten, its a color in a box BUT I swear by it. It works great and covers anything up. Unfortunately I would suggest going back brown unless you have $200 bucks to go professionally getting it fixed. keep it brown for a few months and then go to a salon and let them know that you have boxed color on your hair, bc they will need to use special dye for it if you want highlights. Reason I know is bc my hair was like my profile pic, really dark brown from box color and I wanted highlights BAD !!! It took 4 hours and cost close to $200 to get them to stick and turn a pretty blonde :)

    Good luck and in the future... NEVER try to be blonde from home !! IT never works, being blonde takes skill from a professional, going dark is easy so throw it on and let it set LOL
  • imjustlisa
    imjustlisa Posts: 79 Member
    I too feel your pain and have been there. I once colored my hair 8 times in 24 hours. Seriously. I first tried an at homne kit with color and was to light. so went back to walmart gor a darker shade, too dark and brassy, well needless to say this went on for 6 more trips to walmart. I was devestated! I had fried my hair so bad because each time I would add more highlights. Needless to say I called out sick to work and found the first salon that would take me. It took months to get my hair right and now I dont care that I have to pay 200.00 every couple months at the salon. I would never go through that again. So I feel for you. Now for the too. I jusmped right into running. Thought I was going to get all toned and fit by running. And I was, I loved it. Until i hurt my knee due to torn meniscus. I was running but I had no muscle to suppor the joints. Now at the present I am recovering from a surgery to repair torn rotater cuff in the shoulder. I am learning from all my mistakes. i now know to listen to the proffessionals.....don't color my own hair, build muscle to support the joints. Keep going and don't give up!
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