New!! Hi all!!

I just came across this site while I was looking at a potty training forum for my son. LOL Funny what you come across.. I have seen soo many sucess stories from this site in just a few minutes. i am very confident it will help me. I have always been battling my weight...Now being 201lbs..I look back at my high school days of being like 148lbs..i thought I was big if i only knew i would get soo much bigger than that...i would love to lose at least 40lbs..That sounds more realistic than getting down to like 130 which is like 70lbs lost..
Hopefully this site will be just what I need to get motivated to actually do something. :):)


  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    The same thing happened to me...I was only 135 in high school and I thought I was fat! I am now 180 and when I look at HS pictures I think, damn I was hot! It is amazing how skewed our views of ourselves can be. Welcome!