Tilapia recipe for someone who doesn't like fish?

I don't like fish. I think maybe because my mom hates fish and never really made any so I'm just not used to it. I want to like fish because I know how good it is for you. That being said, I bought some tilapia having read that it was one of the less fishy fishes. Now, how do I cook it? LOL. I'm open to anything, as long as it's not deep fried ;)


  • promiseskept
    I broil mine after squeezing lemon onto it. I add a little bit of seasoning (salt and pepper and sometimes I venture out and do other things) I place them under the broil for a few minutes with slices of lemon laid upon them.
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    You could bake it for 25 minutes at 350 degrees, with seasonings of your choice. I spray mine with a little bit of cooking spray to keep it from drying out. OR for a quicker method you could broil it, probably takes a max of 5 or 6 minutes... but you've gotta watch it closely if you do that. Another idea... make an egg wash and dip it in that and then in seasoned potato flakes and spray with cooking spray. If you don't mind the fat, you could pan fry it.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    parmesan crusted tilapia!!!

    1/2 cup reduced fat parmesan cheese
    1/8 cup (2 TBSP) light butter or margarine
    3 TBSP reduced fat miracle whip or mayo
    3 TBSP real lemon juice
    1/2 tsp basil
    1/4 - 1/2 tsp minced garlic

    Preheat BROILER

    Mix all above ingredients in a bowl

    Spray cookie sheet with non-stick cooking spray
    Lay tilapia on sheet and broil for 3 minutes
    take out, flip fish over and broil other side for 3 minutes
    take out, flip fish back to original side
    Scoop a spoon full of the parmesan mixture onto each fillet and spread over the top surface
    Put back under the broiler until tops are golden brown (usually 3- 5 minutes)


    Only 167 calories per serving (1 fillet is a serving)
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    My son always says he hates fish (but is great about eating healthy in general) so I looked for recipes that he might like and found a great one. I'm also not a big fan, but I don't hate it. But this one was really good.


    I cut back on the salt and added a bit more garlic, but it was awesome! It's not really spicy, just a tiny bit. Good luck!
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    its a good fish choice to start with, it is less "fishy"

    A good recipe to start with and will help your home not to fill up with the fish smell
    Get a large pc of tinfoil and make a purse with it, that you can open and put your fish in it.
    If your fish is frozen let it thaw in a bath of cold water. if its fresh your ready to go
    you can dress it up a few ways:

    1. lemon / herb ( 2 tbsp of lemon juice or use fresh, and make you a herb mix with basil,thyme,and oregano
    2. Kicking fish- (add a drizzle of EVOO on your fish and spread it around so you coat the surface, and then sprinkle with Old bay spice.
    3. lemon/pepper-( do your lemon juice like #1 and then add a pepper mix to it. You can use table pepper, cayenne pepper, or a pepper melody grinder)

    once you dress your fish , heat up your grill and cook your fish in your tinfoil pouch. close the top up and it will basically boil in the juices in the pouch. Remember the pouch will be really hot coming off the grill. It only takes about 5-7 mins to cook. You will see the top of the fish start to flake and you know its done. If you dont have a grill you can still cook your fish in its pouch in the oven on 350 for 5-7 mins.
    *if you want to get rid of the fish smell in the house, put a pot on the stove with a cup of water and 2 tsbp of cinnamon let it biol down. it will clear the air and make the house smell good

    Hope this helps. If you want to make a simple homemade tarter sauce to dip your fish in to help cover some of the fish taste try

    1/4 cup fatfree mayo, 1 tbsp pickle relish, mince onion and a dash of lemon juice and salt.

    * being a chef and growing up in a seafood restaurant my grandparents owned to this day Im still not a fish fan if its not fried so Im right there with you on trying new things with fish
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Tilapia has a pretty neutral taste, and tends to take on the flavor of whatever you put on it. I usually put a tilapia fillet either in a small baking pan or even just in a tin foil pouch, brush on a litlle olive oil, and sprinkle with onion powder, garlic powder, parsley, basil, black pepper, and pecorino romano cheese. Then I bake for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the fillet. DELICIOUS!!!
  • page68
    page68 Posts: 220 Member
  • Ashtarot
    Ashtarot Posts: 52 Member
    Tilapia is the only fish that all of my family will eat. I make it in a non stick pan with a little spray oil(you can get it made with olive oil). I like using McCormick grill mates steak seasoning and garlic powder. The one thing that most people that don't do fish a lot end up doing is cooking it to long. I would recommend about 3 minutes on each side for a medium sized piece of tilopia.
  • momof5skis
    I saute some onions and fresh garlic in olive oil,and pan fry the tilapia in same pan. very easy and delicious!