how do you fight the urges to mess up?



  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    Try to avoid having the food in your house to start with. Although what I do is if I start to feel like I'm depriving myself of having treats every so often I'll give in and have a couple of reeses cups or some other chocolate, but the thing is I make sure to only buy 1 small packet instead of a big one, and then I add it to my daily calories and I don't feel like I need to eat more because I know I'm still gonna end up with 400 calories deficit that day and even though it isn't as good as a 600 calorie deficit I know that I'll still lose weight if I don't eat any more. That way I still feel satisfied and like I get to treat myself, I'm still losing weight and I don't end up completely giving up and over indulging a few days later. I hope that made sense.
  • peacemom
    peacemom Posts: 64 Member
    Sometimes I give in, sometimes I don't. I never, ever regret passing things by and I try to remember that. :smile:
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Are you craving sweets? When I crave sweets, I eat a piece of fruit. I find the body craves things when it is hunting for nutrients. I find people on fitness pal don't eat enough fruit, and hence crave sugar. Fitness pal counts fruit as sugar grams, for juice and other stuff, I can understand that, but not fruit. Who ever heard of getting fat from eating too many bananas?! LOL. Sometimes I crave sweets when I haven't had enough protein either (I'm a vegetarian). My point is, I wonder if you are missing something in your diet. I'd think with the amount of weight you've lost so far, it isn't so much a self control issue, other than your body is prompting you to go find something it needs. Personally, I take a fist full of various vitamins and supplements every day and it really has helped me a lot. Good luck and God bless you on your journey. Gael
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    Are you craving sweets? When I crave sweets, I eat a piece of fruit. I find the body craves things when it is hunting for nutrients. I find people on fitness pal don't eat enough fruit, and hence crave sugar. Fitness pal counts fruit as sugar grams, for juice and other stuff, I can understand that, but not fruit. Who ever heard of getting fat from eating too many bananas?! LOL. Sometimes I crave sweets when I haven't had enough protein either (I'm a vegetarian). My point is, I wonder if you are missing something in your diet. I'd think with the amount of weight you've lost so far, it isn't so much a self control issue, other than your body is prompting you to go find something it needs. Personally, I take a fist full of various vitamins and supplements every day and it really has helped me a lot. Good luck and God bless you on your journey. Gael

    There are naturally occuring sugars in fruit that is why they count against your sugar grams. Bananas for instance are very high on the glycemic index and spike your blood sugar which prevents you fom losing weight.... so yes you could "get fat" from eating too many bananas. An actual serving size of a banana is 1/2 a banana and should only be consumed 1-2 times a week.
    Also taking a "fist full" of various vitamins and supplements is NOT good for you. You can get toxic levels and they can interact with each other, or medications if youre on them. Your best bet is to take 1 multi-vitamin if you feel like you're not getting adequate nutrition through your diet.