I'm going to approach quitting smoking like I approached MFP



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I took chantix but had to stop between the crazy dreams ,BAD mood swings blackouts i didnt think it was safe after I started sleepwalking
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I have been smoke free for 6hours and 28 minutes lol and part of that time I was napping :bigsmile: I HAVE to get my husband to get rid of the carton of smokes when he gets home or I know I'll be really tempted to frigg up after my daughter goes to bed
  • I found it very theraputic to take my remaining cigarettes and crunch them up into little pieces myself and throw them out. It made it real, and me doing that definately made it me feel in control of the situation. You have to believe you are in control.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I joined becomeanex.org I have started logging every cig I have and why. I'm learning to separate my cravings from my triggers. The goal is to be nicotine free by May 1. As scared as I am, I can do this. If I can lose this weight and live a healthier lifestyle, I can give up cigs. It will lead to better workouts and easier breathing.
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Starting my Chantix today..

    I am ready this time.. To be done with them forever.. Wish me luck..
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Today is day one with out my smokes so far so good, trying to keep busy. Had a wedding and funeral this week so not much more can happen to me.. I HOPE!!..

    ??? Has anyone else noticed their wt fluctating taking chantix.. I notice when I hit the two tablets I am up 3-5 lbs and stays there until I quit taking them? Just wondering..

  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    I have quit for 2 days so far, been on Chantix for two to three weeks, I didn't so much noticed the weight difference, however I noticed I my belly is huge, and I feel it's water weight. Since I drink about 20 cups of green tea a day since I've been on Chantix. So I am guessing that could be water weight form the excess wather that you have intake.
    Keep up the good work and let's quite this nasty habbit together.

  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    I have quit for 2 days so far, been on Chantix for two to three weeks, I didn't so much noticed the weight difference, however I noticed I my belly is huge, and I feel it's water weight. Since I drink about 20 cups of green tea a day since I've been on Chantix. So I am guessing that could be water weight form the excess wather that you have intake.
    Keep up the good work and let's quite this nasty habbit together.


    I did the first week and today is day 8 and my quit day.. I am sure it is water weight, and the side effects are what keepme from smoking. Headaches, nausea, the not sleeping is the worse part... But worth it in the end.. Thank you for your support and yes let's break this habbit together..
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    my doc had always told me to quit smoking too and lose weight. but he told me not to do them at the same time, it would be too much at once. i had smoked for 15yrs and finally quit on 12/1/09. i gave myself one yr before i started my weight loss journey. i started that 1/7/11. i never would have been able to do them at the same time!! good luck to u!!! :happy:
  • ana70
    ana70 Posts: 93
    Quitnet.com and quitsmokingonline.com are amazing, good luck to you.

    Check these out, they are a life saver!!
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Quitnet.com and quitsmokingonline.com are amazing, good luck to you.

    Check these out, they are a life saver!!

    Chantix also has online and phone support they will call every evening, and send and email every day for the first 12 weeks and then once a week after that. The online support does make a difference
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Today is day 4 still holding strong, how are you doing poolcue? Hanging in there.. It's a beautiful day here today upper 70's spending time outside and keeping busy.. Chantix is great for taking away the need.. But not so much for taking away the want.. Hope yo uare doing well

  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    This is my day 5. I am doing good. Yesterday was a little tough, today Had been good. Nice out took the family to go swimming at the Y. Keepup everybody.

  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Ok I slipped and had a smoke one day.. Not the end of the world right??? Funny with the chantix, It did not taste good gave me a major headache.. So no I am not proud of it.. It did not make me feel any better by any means.. I just have a hard time getting away from the I want one, instead of the I need one?

    Oh yes and the huge belly,, yeah some major gas issues going on..... Like I am seven month pregnant... Scale continues to climb little by little.. Frustrating but by looking at my stomach and being so bloated and retaining fluids.. I thought you were suppose to feel better when you quit.. Umm I have yet to find that feeling??? Anyone else not reaping the benifits??

    Good Luck
  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    It's difficult to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time. I've done some research before I quit so I can actually go through with it. What happens is when you quit smoking your matebolism also slows down a little and food taste better, so there will be a weight gain, this is an even more important time to keep a healthy diet and stay within the before quiting weight. I am 9 days smoking free now and today I brought my chantix with me but I am trying to stop, they are just with me just in case.
    Laurie, you will get there don't give up, since the smokes already taste bad so you are almost there. As for your matebolism, it will come back to full swing in a couple of days, stay with it, you can do it.

  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Day 15 for me doing much better and the cravings are minamal not finding myself thinking about it constantly... My nose is running like crazy, I work in surgery and asked the ENT dr. about it, said it because the cilia is growing back in my lungs and nasal passages.. But sure makes me feel like crap. but I can get through this.. How is everyone doing?? Hanging in there.. Lets report what you are finding, and dealing with?

  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    I am doing good, I think I am 16 or 17 days now, not 100 percent sure. I don't remember if I had runny nose or not. But all I know is I am feeling so much better and I have do much more time now that I don't know what to do with, lol. However on the workout front, it's not doing so hot, but I guess I would rather be smoke free first than start my workout program.

  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Wow keep youself busy is a real task, I used to waste alot of time smoking I guess.. But on the brighter side now I am using my extra free time to do remodeling in my house.. My first project was the boys' bathroom.. Spring cleaning first, then waxed the tub and shower painted and gave it a new color, new shower curtain hung, new mirror, and rugs.. Looks nice and give me a great sense of pride knowing I did this.. Got it done in less than 12 hours :) Now on to my bathroom, much larger, tubs and showers are waxed getting new tub shower walls but will proabably take two weeks to get them :( So on to other things while I wait..

    My nose seems to not be running so much anymore.. mainly in the eveining, and that could be allergies, but I did notice this last time I took the chantix also. I can deal with it.. I find I struggle the most when I am bored... So as I have found it's best to stay busy.. I have even gone on break with co workers that smoke and did'nt smoke.. So I know I am getting stronger.. ANd I like the way I smell now.. I can smell my own cologne.. :)

    Oh and no gain this week, so that should be going back in the right direction now, I have two weeks to lose 5 lbs to meet my mini goal .. Wish me luck...
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