Losing Inches

angelinah Posts: 20
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been pretty good about watching what I eat (Friday was a slip day sadly -- I ate badly. Saturday I ate well but did very little exercising). I've been tirelessly at it for two weeks, and I burn 6000 calories a week on average. The numbers on the scale haven't changed (ugh) but my shirts and bras are looser. What is baffling to me is why my bottom half (legs, butt) AREN'T losing inches. My thighs graze each other at the top and I was hoping that that would go first -- I do a lot of running and intense walking and workouts on the elliptical in an effort to get rid of leg fat, but nothing is working in the way I want it.

Is there something I'm doing wrong?


  • rhiannon1979
    rhiannon1979 Posts: 166 Member
    I don't know exactly how true it is, but I remember people saying that you lose weight from the top down. Hopefully someone else will have a better answer!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Just keep doing what you are doing. Two weeks is not enough time for your body to "click" and figure out what is going on. Give yourself the GIFT of patience and just keep up your great work. it will come.

    You NEVER lose it from the place you want to first . . . ha ha . . . always last.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    We loose excess weight first, in the places that we gained it last. Makes sense? Not really, but it seems to be the norm for most people.

    If when we gain weight it goes first to the legs or hips and last to the face, then when we loose it, we will have a skinny face first while our bottom half will still be big.

    Trust me on this because I am a living example. When people look at my face they tell me to stop loosing weight, so I turn around show them my other side and shut them up.

    Is getting better now because I am on maintenance and trying to loose inches, but I know that my hips, butt, and thights are never going to be as skinny as my face and neck.
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