Fat Mirror

Hi... Anyone else got a fat mirror? For anyone who does not have one of these... A fat mirror makes any part of your body you think is carrying a bit too much weight look massive!! I am not very over weight, but mirrors are my worst enemy... especially changing room mirrors, they are they worst. But, if and when i do see a picure of myself it does not seem to reflect the image in the mirror..... which image is a person to believe?


  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member

    I bought a huge mirror from Ikea when I first moved out and it was my only full length mirror. I knew that it was a little bit warped because it didn't sit flat on the wall on one side but I didn't think too much about it

    About five months later I was at the bar and they had a full length mirror in the bathroom and I was like HOLY CRAP!! This mirror makes me look soo much thinner.. and my friend pointed out that the mirror was normal and my mirror at home made me looks shorter and fatter. I had just gotten used to looking in my home mirror.
  • mangos4music
    mangos4music Posts: 126 Member
    i completely understand! my main issue tho is when i am dressed i look smaller than the huge me naked in front of the mirror rite outta the shower
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I have a skinny mirror. It makes me look so slim but as soon as I'm out in the real world I'm so much fatter.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    I went on holiday once and there was a mirror in the elevator that was tinted brown. I thought i was a lot more tanned than i actually was!!

    : )