
Although I would really like to say that the sacles arent that important......THEY ARE CRITICAL in my monitoring progress. I need to buy a new set because I dont like that mine only weighs in half pound increments and if you weigh three times you get three different readings.

Can anybody suggest a good one and where to get it that wont break the bank?


  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    William Sonoma
    Mine is from Salter does g and oz in 1g and 1/8 oz increments
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    Are you talking about a scale for your body or your food?

    None of the digital ones are that great unless you have a flat surface and do the "Reset to Zero" calibration every time you use it.

    The one I have now (for body weight) is a Taylor digital, it was $23 at Fred Meyer. It works fine and weighs in .1 pound increments. Target should have comparable ones.

    grr must learn to type