feeling down!

lorna24 Posts: 12
edited September 18 in Food and Nutrition
hello everyone , i joined mfp a week ago and have been strict in sticking to my calories and exercise.i weighed myself this morning and i have not lost any weight.i feel so down and i have been so positive now im feeling fed up and want to eat.i know the weight is not going to drop off me that quick but i was expecting even a 1lb loss but nothing :cry: lorna xxxxx


  • lorna24
    lorna24 Posts: 12
    hello everyone , i joined mfp a week ago and have been strict in sticking to my calories and exercise.i weighed myself this morning and i have not lost any weight.i feel so down and i have been so positive now im feeling fed up and want to eat.i know the weight is not going to drop off me that quick but i was expecting even a 1lb loss but nothing :cry: lorna xxxxx
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    From one Lorna to another, don't get too discouraged. Especially since you have that bundle of joy to concentrate on. I know we're all in this for the weight loss, but also for a healthier lifestyle for ourselves and the ones we love. So think of it like that. You eating healthy and having portion control is setting a good example for your little one. I think if you try and concentrate on that (I know I tend to be pound conscious too much myself), then the weight will start dropping without you even realizing it. But in the interim, keep up the good work of taking care of yourself. And thanks for sharing your discouragement, because you are definitely not alone. You can do this!!!
  • lorna24
    lorna24 Posts: 12
    thank you,im going to stop gettin so obsessed with my weight loss and just enjoy my healthy way of living thanks again for the advice xxxxxxx
  • sbacon1203
    sbacon1203 Posts: 307 Member
    You can do it :smile: !
    Have the temp in your area been high? High humidy? This can cause you to hold water. Do you measure and/or weigh all your food? How many calories are you having a day? I know alot of ?'s but maybe it will help. :tongue:

  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hey girl!!!

    Don't get down!!! Did you read the 700 link thingie? If you have not been eating "normal" it might take just a few weeks to get your body moving in the right direction. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    I always say, it took me years to gain this weight, I have done it "my way" for so long, so what about committing for 30 days to see what happens? I did it several months back, and well, here I am! Keep up the great habits and I can't wait to see your first really good weight loss!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!

    So what's your workout plan this week???

  • lorna24
    lorna24 Posts: 12
    im weighing all my food correctly and portion control.im walking my son in his pushchair for about 1 hour a day which works up a sweat ,im eating my exercise cals is this right?im eating 1370 cals a day but its always about 1500 coz of exercise cals lorna xxxx
  • ramonaschack
    ramonaschack Posts: 33 Member
    I know how you feel I've been dieting for almost two months now, the first couple weeks I maybe lost 1/2 pound. But sticking with it and my exercise I can finally say that I have lost 6 pounds and the bulk of that has been the last few weeks. Keep it up, it will happen. I would still rather be 6 pounds down in two months than that two months having past and not loosing anything. Plus I think the slower you go chances are you will not gain those lost pounds back. IT WILL HAPPEN
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Rome wasn't built in a day, just keep with it and you will start to see results. Also, for me the scale is a horrible horrible little machine. :explode: I felt the loss and felt thinner but the scale either stays the same or goes up. So don't put too much stock in the scale.
    You have a made a great choice in getting healthy, stick with it!
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