New to MFP

I have been using MFP for about one week now and have wondered why I can't find friends. I just figured out this post thing. I am serious about my weight loss and want to succeed! I have over 160 pounds to loose and want to surround myself with positive, supportive people that have the same goals in life right now. Help me find friends! I look forward to chatting with you and supporting you in your goals as well!


  • thetorontokid2
    Hey there! Welcome and glad you're here!! I'll gladly be your friend. I love giving moral support and could always use more myself! We can all do this together. :) I tried once before doing this without friends on here but it was easy to disappear because I had no one to be accountable to AND no one to look out for me to make sure I'd keep coming back. That's what we're all here for. That and to become healthy! :)
  • pattildevine
    hello i am new here to and have about the same amoint to lose too. maybe we can help each other out!
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    I just started 10 days ago. I could use so more support also. I will gladly support and encourage you. Good luck to you