Elliptical Workouts



  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I just recently got one too and I found that after I was able to get use to it as it can be hard at first, I use my loaded C25K program that I have on my iphone and do intervel training as you would do with the walking/jogging. I do the warmup for 5, then do the walking which would be light elliptical similiar to walking, then when the jogging intervel comes up for 60 seconds, I up my pace as if I were jogging, then a 5 minute cool down, boy did I work up a major sweat and I also felt that it really was a great workout.It's suppose to be better for you and burn more calories to do interval training anyway, and I find that the C25K is very useful for that! Eventually when I feel that I am ready, I will start adding resistance, but I'm not ready yet! Good luck.
  • bromk
    bromk Posts: 34
    I love my eliptical. I'm at 10 minutes per day, working up a couple minutes each week. I recently purchased a Proform from Sears.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I also wanted to add that you should definately have a playlist to make the time go by easier, get yourself some fast pace music and you'll be ready to rock-n-roll! I also cover my main board with a towel so I don't know how much time I have done and I check it periodically! It seems to help me get through the routine much better! I was very lucky as I found mine which is a Norditrak, just under 2 years old in Excellent condition for only $300 on Craig's List. I did have to drive an hour and half each way to go and get it but it was definately worth it! It was hardly used at all! I felt like I had hit the lottery! LOL Someone was looking out for me!:)