wedding weight help

i want to lose a pretty good bit of weight so i can feel awesome about myself for my wedding day. I have low self esteem so to do this would be great. I am making this very strict on myself. I can only consume 1300 calories a day but i've been up and down. I need good recipes and support. Success stories would be great as well. Thank You for your help.


  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    recipies for a 1300 calorie a day diet? Not going to happen, When you consume so little calories your best bet to sticking to it and feeling full is to consume 7 small meals a day of 200 calories per meal.

    Things like eggwhites with fat free cheese on top of it, 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese with pineapple, a small protein bar, or a tbsp on peanut butter on a slice of whole wheat bread are just a few things.
  • sunshine4me
    sunshine4me Posts: 69 Member
    Congratulations! I hope you reach your goal but try not to be hard on yourself! It won't do anything but push you in the wrong direction!! consume 1330 calories roughly a day,for my goal. I have been off my program for a couple of months but I'm back now! I eat eggs and low calorie bread. I eat just about anything I want in smaller amounts. I had a pork chop and asparagus and baked potato for dinner. I use butter spray on my potato instead of butter or margarine. I sprayed the pork chop with olive oil and added water to the pan to cook it in. I just tossed my asparagus in the pan with the pork chop once I turned it over and I covered it all with a glass lid. took about 15 minutes total from start to finish.
    To burn a few extra calories I use a pedometer to monitor my daily movement and I dance to my favorite songs. When I first started dancing around the house I could only do one or two songs... now I can add up to an hour of dancing.

    Good luck!
    Add me as a friend if you like!
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    1300 seems a little bit low for how much weight you want to lose, what do you have your weight lose per week set to? i know it's based on height and activity level as well, but i have mine set to 2lbs a week, and they have me at 1770 cals per day before exercise. granted, i am 5'9 and seem to have a lot more weight to lose than you, so i could be wrong and your 1300 could be fine.

    looking at your need to spread your food consumed out more over the day, as you seem to have big meals, and at times don't even eat anything else because of it. def start making more stuff at home. there is the good ole standbye roasted my fav is to roast half a chicken breast, have one of those minute rice brown rice instant cups, and a hugeee serving of steamed brocolli. those ziploc steam bags are a frozen vegetables best friend!!

    take a look at the recipe section, there are soo many great recipes, i have used quite a few myself. it's also a great idea that if you make quite a bit of something, freeze it in individual portions and that way you can just grab one for lunch. i love doing that with chilis and soups. i even made a quiche the other day, ate 3 portions over a couple days, and froze the last 2 so i can have them whenever.

    all i know, is so far, i have been doing great weight wise, i haven't been able to do a whole lot in the way of exercise, but i am making sure i am eating healthier food (not just staying under my cals, but making sure the cals i do eat are more nutritionally balanced) and i am losing that 2lbs a week i have my diary set for.

    i know it's hard when you are trying to lose weight for a planned event, specially if it isn't too far away. how long till your wedding? as long as you work on the foods you are eating, and move around, you will do fine. just don't set your goals to be unrealistic and unhealthy, cause in the end, you only hurt yourself. you can do this :) this is the best place for support i have ever found!
  • Robyn1733
    check out AdvoCare products to help shed some of the weight and tone up at the same time. If you want some further info please contact me and I can point you in the right direction. BTW Congratulations.