Being hit, when you are already down!



  • aaajssassymom
    Don' feel stupid! I went through the same situation this summer. My husband and I are back together, and our relationship is better than it was before. Couples' counseling is a good thing, and even if he doesn't want to go, it would be good for you! It helped me tremendously. Friend me if you want to chat! My prayers are with you!
  • kathott
    kathott Posts: 72 Member
    First off, you are never alone. unfortunately, there are alot of people out in this community that have been thru
    something like this and can offer you support. My advice....just remember that this is because of who HE is
    not because of who YOU are. Unfortunately, you and your children have been hurt by his actions.
    my other advice..... when you are alone, pretend that a pillow or if you are out for a walk in a park (pretend that a tree) !is
    your husband. yell and scream at that object....get it all out of your system. it will make you feel some what relieved.
    Try hard not to let this derail your plans to better yourself physcially....your children will need a healthy mother!
    Good luck and dont give up.
  • elischanicole13
    No advice but I will be thinking about you and praying for you...:flowerforyou:
  • loves86
    loves86 Posts: 88 Member
    Don't feel stupid by any means....I wish I had the courage you had to put your post on here....I had something happen in my life this weekend that has turned my life upside I don't know how to deal with my emotions right now....but we are all here for each other...not just for our weight but our lives. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want or message if you need someone to vent/talk to.
  • mlsmathias
    Thank you for all the supportive advice and kindness! The only promise I am making is to myself right that I will rise and shine tomorrow or at the very least twinkle some. All he kept wanting me to do was make promises of forgiveness....I am just lost...thought I had the perfect marriage, perfect everything. Honestly felt selfish for spending so much time focusing on me for a change....IDK less said the better for now I suppose. I will just go day by day. He will be out the house for the next week, so this gives me some time to figure out what I can handle. The kids do not know, and I am not ready to tell them yet. He swears it was a one time thing...but how will I ever know
    Again Thank you for all the support! It honestly does mean so much!!!