All or Nothing - Are you like this?

When it comes to eating, I am an all or nothing person. When I want to change my eating habits for the better I am extremely focussed and I will rarely deviate from my goals. Once I obtain my goal, and I get comfortable, or uncomfortable for whatever reason, I swing to the other end of the pendulum and eat whatever I want whenever I want. This will last for months, sometimes I will regain control, but then lose it again. I need to figure out why I do this and how to stop it.

If this sounds like you, and you've gained some skills/strategies to deal with this, I would love to read what you have to say.


  • nubreeze33
    I totally understand what you are saying and experiencing. For me I changed how I view this and i'm no longer on a diet or have a goal set.....because with that means eventually there's an end. This is a lifestyle change for me, I am gluten free. And I plan to stay that way. I refuse to just say NO because of my journey so I just make better decisions and rather than obsess over what I don't eat, if I REALLY want something I will have it. The calorie tracker helps me so much during those times. Wishing you the best in what you are after sis!
  • mandydanyele
    I've had your problem before. Are you eatting alot of different foods? I find that sticking with the exact same foods everyday, causes you to get bored. Also, don't forget that it IS okay to eat sweets/unhealthy food if you do it in a smart way (a little bit and NOT often)
  • Hotbysummer
    Sounds like we r in the same boat! All around! Weight, goals, problems, excited to see the replies! Thx for posting!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Yes I am very much like this. I was doing so well then if I skip more than a couple days of exercise I notice my eating gets worse. Then I don't want to exercise, then more crap food.

    UGH! Sorry, I don't have any good advice but wanted you to know that you're not alone.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I totally give myself room to splurge... I must log it though.
  • losing4myself
    Make it a goal for the rest of your life to have atleast ONE fruit (banana, apple, kiwi, etc) in the morning. That's one small goal you can stick with...and when you stick with it you will mentally remind yourself why you're doing that. It will set you straight all day...and if not you will have atleast tried and set yourself straight the next day and so on......
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    I really like this. I will try it and commit. Thank you.
  • thelassiemickyjames
    I can totally relate, since I've been like that my whole dieting life untill I started counting calories! Counting calories has made me realize that somewhere in the middle is better than all or nothing! thats why I love MFP!

  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I think it's also important to remove guilt from the equation. You fall off the wagon and have one completely crazy day of eating, which then leads you to think, "I'm doomed to be fat and lazy. I can't do this." Or you do irreparable damage early in the day and give up the rest of the day as a loss. If you mess up today, and you will from time to time, recommit tomorrow. If you have a slip-up early in the day, don't take the whole day to wallow in it. Continue to eat well the rest of the day, kick up your workout, and feel good about the fact that you are doing amazing things for your body. I don't tend to follow my own advice very well, but I know the things that I do wrong to sabotage myself. Working it day by day just like everyone else. :happy:
  • skinnyb450

    Yes I must say I am like this too - As soon as I get focused - nothing will stop me - I will be totally committed and then when I reach the goal - or goal weight you almost "cheat" on yourself and eat crap and keep going until the scales actually move in an upward direction - and then the lazyness creeps back in and you don't feel like exercising or being "good"

    This time around I have told myself I am doing a total lifestyle change - not a diet - I gave up smoking, joined a gym and now want to lose the excess weight I've put on and remain at the goal weight forever

    Good luck on your journey - Remember you are not alone - Here to support you :):smile:
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    I must say, I'm this way as well. I give up Dr. Pepper for Lent. It's not real tough day to day, but then right after I'm back to 1 or 2 a day. My office has a $0.25 pop machine which makes it very difficult. But I definitely agree with several previous statements, when you log your calories, it makes you very much more aware of what is going into your body. So you have a candy bar or shake, it tasted good and hopefully took care of a craving. I have found that I am able to satisfy my cravings a lot easier now with less, like eating just one piece of small chocolate which may be 50 cals, instead of grabbing a handful and wasting 250 or 300 cals. Good luck!