Favorite Podcasts?

swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
I like to listen to podcasts when working out... or driving, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc! My favorites are This American Life, The Moth, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and The Dinner Party Download. The are all thought-provoking, fun, and/or informative. Check them out!

What are your favorite podcasts? I need something new to listen to! Oh, and if anyone else enjoys iTunesU like I do, suggestions about good classes would be awesome, too!


  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    I like The Moth and This American Life. I also like Fresh Air. From the BBC I listen to The Friday Night Comedy Show and Excess Baggage. Then all business/news related Best of Today, Broadcasting House and Media Show. I'm not British but certainly know more about their politics than any other country! Podcasts and carfree cycle path next to the river - my heaven!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I do this american life, fresh air, most e-mailed stories NPR , the moth - I HIGHLY recommend NPR's RADIOLAB from WNYC- if you like this american life there is a gairly good chance you will like radiolab- then I vary somewhat- I used to love Skeptics Guide to the Universe- sometimes still do, the New Yorker has several decent podcasts including a short fiction podcast that's nice,
    music podcasts vary depending on mood from indie radio, to cheesy covers (coverville) to jazz to whatever
  • MmhmmStephanie
    Mugglenet :p
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    Yay! My iPod is getting so full of awesome new podcasts for this week's drives. Thank you everyone!

    izobel, I am definitely getting some of the BBC podcasts. For some reason, I had never thought of checking them out!

    JeninBelgium, Radiolab looks great! What music podcasts for indie music are good?
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    I listened to the latest Friday Night Comedy Show on the way to work this morning and was laughing the entire time. I loved it! Thanks, izobel!