Was feeling ok until asked if pregnant

I was so humiliated that this happened to me in front of friends.

I have always been the biggest out of my friends and the tallest. One of my friends owns her own fitness center which is for men only but as she owns it she obviously uses it and she has an amazing body then my other close friends are naturally thin

I have always had a big stomach even at my slimmest it's always there annoying me, but having dieted and felt i was getting slim I was on a night out, and walking along minding my own business when a man who was sat on the ground (homeless) was asking people for any spare change.

I genuinely didn't have any loose change and also this guy is always out in the busiest part of town begging and he isn't actually homeless he is a known drug user so i don't think even if i did have loose change it would be wise to give him any.

Any way he asked me and i said I'm so sorry but i haven't and i carried on walking past only for him to stand up and follow me and shout out when is the baby due. So i was mortified as everyone knows i'm not, so i just said oh in August to make him shut up but he could see i was shocked to hear it. I don't know if he did this on purpose because i said i had no money or if i do look pregnant.

I was so upset and didn't tell my friends i was but it totally knocked my confidence and i am even considering going to the doctors and asking about liposuction because i genuinely believe no matter how much weight i lose that this stomach fat is never going to disappear!


  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    It sounds to me he only said cuz he was pissed you didnt give him any money.Try not to let something some scumbag says get you down.
  • hannahncakes
    oh hunni *hugs* I'm sorry that's a horrible thing to happen.It was probably just him trying to get at you because you wouldn't give him any money.

    Don't let it get you down, stick at it & it will pay off. You can do it!
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    Oh my..... I am so sorry this happened to you. I seriously think this is every woman's worst nightmare! Every man (and woman for that matter) should know to NEVER ask a woman if she is pregnant until they see the baby actually being born!

    But on the emotional level.... I can imagine it is terribly frustrating to be in your shoes. The ONE thing every woman wants when they lose weight is a flat stomach, right? I know I do! But I have the same problem as you.... it's always there. Just hanging out, totally unwanted!

    I think the best way to get rid of it is to spend time focusing on ab workouts. Stock up on some Ab DVDs, do the 30-Day Shred, or Tony Horton's 10-Minute Trainer has a great ab workout! If you tone your ab muscles, then your belly will shrink too. If serious dedication to your abs doesn't work, then maybe consider lipo. But I would say that is a last resort.

    Again, I'm sorry this happened :-(
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    You can't let the words of a ne'er do well effect you.
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    Jeez ppl can be so rude!
  • foolismcgee
    I have been asked many times if I was pregnant. I carry most of my weight in my stomach. I work with elderly people that have lost the filter from their brain to their mouths, but even my father in law asked me if I was pregnant. What he was thinking, I don't know.. So I know how it feels to be asked when you aren't. Luckily I'm not extra sensitive and I just kind of brush it off. Obviously the man that said it to you was mad because you didn't give him money. People with addictions can be cruel. My advice is to just brush it off and keep doing what you're doing because obviously thats working and you'll have your confidence back in no time.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    This has happened to me many times by people who never meant to offend me. When you say no - they tend to feel pretty mortified also. I usually got asked "when is it due?" "boy or girl?" Once in front of the husband!!!!!!!!!!

    It was one of the very first motivators that I had to drop the weight. I never wanted to feel like that again!

    So sorry he was cruel to you. Shake it off, girl! Get back on the wagon and do what you came here to do.
  • CJis
    CJis Posts: 11
    Oh! that was terrible! I probably would have been red all over from the insult.:blushing: But you should not let it bother you. You are on your way to success and you have goals. Don't let one insulting comment throw you off. :happy:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I also would have pepper sprayed the guy for good messure,but then again I am a little trigger happy with that stuff.
  • ashers1819
    I've had it to, and just smiled and said No, I'm not pregnant just fat. It's not nice though and seriously does affect the confidence. Try the 30 day shred, that everyone keeps raving about. I haven't doen it myself but am seriously debating it!
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    That sux, I'm sorry - some people just have no filter - or they are just plain mean. You are here, you are on on the right track - hang in there!