Water retention

How does everyone manage this when its TOM, I've added 3 pounds of water weight! REALLY???
Does anyone have any tricks to get past this? Its so frusterating after having a good week....


  • linnea913
    linnea913 Posts: 1 Member
    You have to drink water but if that doesn't work you might have to go see your doctor
  • maller07
    I'm having the same problem.. I gained 2 pounds and I have been working my butt off! I'm just going to drink tons of water and try not to weigh myself until the end of the week.. Hopefully the extra pounds will go away...
  • mmmary201
    I take Diurex. I retain water pretty much all the time. I can press my shin and it leaves a nice indentation. By the end of the day, my ankles have indetations from the socks. It's very aggravating and I'm sure I have like 10lbs of just excess water all the time >:( This helps in addition to drinking lots of water and watching my sodium intake.