Sixers LOVE Your Body--Week 4



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    Cathy...Kadence is pretty much all better, it's just me now struggling with the adult version! Thinking I may go to the doctor tomorrow if I still feel this crummy! I'm supposed to leave for vacation in a week!!! I need to get over this crud!

    No exercise again last night...went over in calories...bummer.

    Plan today:
    B-Cinnamon burst cheerios, skim milk, coffee w/sugarfree creamer
    S-Banana, breakfast bar
    L-Turkey, 1 oz. cheese, lettuce and mustard on light whole wheat, baby carrots, light yogurt
    S-2 clementines
    D-Homemade turkey spaghetti with a side salad
    S-Fruit in Jello with cool whip free

    My guess is probably nothing! MAN...I need to kick this!!!

    Have a good day all!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Great morning everyone!! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the breeze is warm and flowers are blooming. Okay it's really snowing and freezing but a girl can dream, scratch that,

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is doing well and making healthy choices. Stay strong, be postitive and choose your attitude.

    I am a bit hyper today so I am sending warm fuzzy energized thoughts to everyone.

    Take care,
    ~ Datenshi ~
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Brasslady, good job with changing your thinking about the treadmill!!! Even 3 different 10 minute segments makes that 30 minutes a day!!

    JMiller, the soul needs a good girls weekend. Guaranteed it won't ruin your progress as long as you get back to your regularly scheduled programming :wink:

    Finnhead, maybe try Netflix or even YouTube to test run some new workout videos before buying? Gotta love what exercise you are doing. If it's a chore, you'll find a way to not exercise.

    Cathy, I'm still glowing from being able to meet you and Shanell and hug you both!!!

    Kristin, I love you!! You are so motivational, so upbeat, so wonderful!!!

    Irishgal, keep up the logging!! It will pay off!!!

    Amypyr, kick *kitten*!!!!! I am envious. I have gone back up to 167 and you've gone under 160!!!! AWESOME JOB!!!!

    Ren, more than losing weight, my exercise goal is TONE. I love tightening the muscles and losing the back fat!!!! hahaha

    Amy36, hi darling :) Keep up the logging!!!

    Lorna, we all have those negative days. I just hope a good night's sleep took care of the mood!!
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Cathy(chipper).............................SW 248.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 252.2 lbs / PROGRESS +3.8 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)........................SW 162.0 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 160.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Datenshi.......................................SW 258.0 lbs / GW 250.0 lbs / CW 250.8 lbs / PROGRESS -7.2 lbs
    Judy (brasslady1)....................... SW 171.8 lbs / GW 168.8 lbs/ CW 168.2 lbs. / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Maria(irishgal44)........................SW 181.4 lbs / GW 172.0 lbs / CW 179.4 lbs / PROGRESS -3.8 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...............................SW 162.3 lbs / GW 158.0 lbs / CW 160.5 lbs / PROGRESS - 1.8 lbs
    Lauren (ren315)..........................SW 207.0 lbs / GW 199.0 lbs / CW 209.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)....................SW 130.0 lbs / GW 126.0 lbs / CW 128.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36).............................SW 208.0 lbs / GW 199.0 lbs / CW 207.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Clare (Finnhead).........................SW 161.4 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 156.2 lbs / PROGRESS -5.2 lbs
    Jessyca(JAYDENSMAMAS).......SW 221.4 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 217.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).......................SW 132.0 lbs / GW 123.0 lbs / CW 134.4 lbs / PROGRESS +2.4 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps).............SW 173.0 lbs / GW 166.0 lbs / CW 171.0 lbs / PROGRESS - 2.0lbs

    Kel (redneckwoman).................SW 151.1 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 149.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.1 lbs
    Sandy (Izzypup)............................SW 191.0 lbs / GW 184.0 lbs / CW 190.0 lbs / PROGRESS
    Katy (katyk08)...............................SW 196.4 lbs / GW 185.0 lbs / CW 195.8 lbs / PROGRESS -0.6 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..........SW 128.4 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 128.8 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4
    Arwamya (arwamya)..................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 157.6 lbs / PROGRESS -3.3 lbs
    Amez(Amyls8711).......................SW 274.0 lbs / GW 269.0 lbs / CW 271.8 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lbs
    Kimberly(katfrench).....................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ...............................SW 163.2 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 163.8 lbs / PROGRESS -0.6 lbs
    Mary Beth (marybeth618)...........SW 230.0 lbs / GW 225.0 lbs / CW 230.0 lbs / PROGRESS
    Tracy (frogy_98)...........................SW 219.2 lbs / GW 210.0 lbs / CW 219.2 lbs / PROGRESS

    Sorry for disappearing.

    A few weeks ago I found out my husband was being unfaithful and then I got really sick. Things have been rough and I haven't been feeling super motivated.

    I will try to be better about checking in.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    oh, jennifer i am sorry to hear of your findings. just keep checking in with us. we are here for you. vent if you need to. doesn't matter if you are weighing in or not. (((HUGS)))
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    oh, jennifer i am sorry to hear of your findings. just keep checking in with us. we are here for you. vent if you need to. doesn't matter if you are weighing in or not. (((HUGS)))

    What she said :(
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Jennifer, I am so sorry to hear about your pain. This is absolutely no consolation, but after the birth of the first baby, it seems to be a common theme for some men to have affairs. I know my first husband did. He was my prince charming, the perfect husband, very attentive and thoughtful and caring. But the stress of having that extra responsibility plus not feeling as needed by me and not getting the usual attention made him make some really stupid choices. Unfortunately, we weren't able to work it out, but absolutely EVERY case is different. Make sure you are taking care of you and your little one. Being the wonderful mother I know you are, you have strengths beyond even your own imagination. We are ALWAYS here for you.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning...

    lula i go to your ticker every time you post. you are right there. you can and will do this.

    ate last night. i was soooo hungry, that once i started i couldn't stop. when the hunger pain went away i was fine. i had change some meds that could be the reason. going to see if it happens again today. if so i will change back.

    nothing big for the weekend planned. i am cleaning house today. i can't stand it any more. i don't care if son is sleeping or not. he can wear ear plugs. he's been working different hours and 12 hour days. someone quit and someones mother passed. he just looks at it as a box of tile or something for his new place. i warned him. he doesn't' have to be at work until 11 tonight so he can sleep all day. he got off at 11 last night. sorry rambling.

    off to get started.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    oh yea.....has everyone been doing the weekly challenge and recording all their food and exercise?

    we might give you a test on it come monday.....
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    oh yea.....has everyone been doing the weekly challenge and recording all their food and exercise?

    we might give you a test on it come monday.....

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: I try, really I do. But my computer crashes every time I get to the end of my day, saying that it cannot possibly compute all the calories that I have eaten and that I really should eat less. TOO MUCH!!!!

    I did better with the "posting everyday" challenge or the "15 minute exercise" challenge. :)
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    oh, jennifer i am sorry to hear of your findings. just keep checking in with us. we are here for you. vent if you need to. doesn't matter if you are weighing in or not. (((HUGS)))

    What she said :(

    What they all said Jennifer, we are all here to listen if you need as well, and not just about weighing in and all that palava. Look after yourself chick xxxxx
  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    Well we took 10 steps back with DH finding a job. He and I were both content with the trucking job that he would be gone over a few days. But then yesterday, he scheduled an interview for a local co that the pay will NOT be enough. And for some reason DH wants me to say it will work out, BUT it won't. I am crawling back into that hole of "how are we going to get through this". We barely talked last night, I feel as if he thinks that it's my fault. I have a wonderful job, very wonderful. Granted the pay could be a little better, but I have great benefits, and they work with me whenever I need time off, I love it! I am going to school for my associates in business, and I am not considering getting a different job, and it really bothers DH. I'm sorry but with the way the market is, why would I, I don't want to be on the bottom of the totum pole. I don't know, I am just rambling. I am just over it, I never thought that we would be put into this situation.

    I have not worked out in 2 days, my shoulder is killing me. I found myself waking up in the middle of the night, in pain from just moving my arm. I DO NOT think jumping jacks with weights is good for your shoulders!!! I am still logging my food, and I have been doing really well. Maybe just maybe I might see at least a pound difference come next weigh in.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    awww laurn. i know where you are. i have been there more times than i care to have been. it is so tough. you guys will make it through. just be there for him. i know now you don't want to cause you feel angry. he is probably feeling like a failure to himself and his peers and feels like he failed you as your supporter. sit down with him (no kids) and go over your budget and see where you can cut back, turn off, get rid off, sell. it's just temporary. keep your job for sure.
    when you think you hit bottom the sun will shine bright and you will be even better than before. i will keep you in my prayers.

    take care of yourself. ((HUGS)))
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Jennifer, my ex cheated when Kiddo was 6 months old. It was awful. Do what is best for you and your child, whether that means staying or leaving. Follow your heart and take all the time in the world to make whatever decision makes you feel the most comfortable. :heart: Much love, sweetie.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    where is everyone.

    gee i think next challenge or the one after is we check in at least 5 times in the week. don't think there will be many doing that.

    i logged for the day. went to o'charleys for dinner had the 550 or less calorie dinner. but, had the mini dessert. tying to find the cals for it all. i think i am good.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Cathy(chipper).............................SW 248.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 252.2 lbs / PROGRESS +3.8 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)........................SW 162.0 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 160.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Datenshi.......................................SW 258.0 lbs / GW 250.0 lbs / CW 250.8 lbs / PROGRESS -7.2 lbs
    Judy (brasslady1)....................... SW 171.8 lbs / GW 168.8 lbs/ CW 168.2 lbs. / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Maria(irishgal44)........................SW 181.4 lbs / GW 172.0 lbs / CW 179.4 lbs / PROGRESS -3.8 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...............................SW 162.3 lbs / GW 158.0 lbs / CW 160.5 lbs / PROGRESS - 1.8 lbs
    Lauren (ren315)..........................SW 207.0 lbs / GW 199.0 lbs / CW 209.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)....................SW 130.0 lbs / GW 126.0 lbs / CW 128.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36).............................SW 208.0 lbs / GW 199.0 lbs / CW 207.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Clare (Finnhead).........................SW 161.4 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 156.2 lbs / PROGRESS -5.2 lbs
    Jessyca(JAYDENSMAMAS).......SW 221.4 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 217.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).......................SW 132.0 lbs / GW 123.0 lbs / CW 134.4 lbs / PROGRESS +2.4 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps).............SW 173.0 lbs / GW 166.0 lbs / CW 171.0 lbs / PROGRESS - 2.0lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..........SW 128.4 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 132.8 lbs / PROGRESS +4.4

    Kel (redneckwoman).................SW 151.1 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 149.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.1 lbs
    Sandy (Izzypup)............................SW 191.0 lbs / GW 184.0 lbs / CW 190.0 lbs / PROGRESS
    Katy (katyk08)...............................SW 196.4 lbs / GW 185.0 lbs / CW 195.8 lbs / PROGRESS -0.6 lbs
    Arwamya (arwamya)..................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 157.6 lbs / PROGRESS -3.3 lbs
    Amez(Amyls8711).......................SW 274.0 lbs / GW 269.0 lbs / CW 271.8 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lbs
    Kimberly(katfrench).....................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ...............................SW 163.2 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 163.8 lbs / PROGRESS -0.6 lbs
    Mary Beth (marybeth618)...........SW 230.0 lbs / GW 225.0 lbs / CW 230.0 lbs / PROGRESS
    Tracy (frogy_98)...........................SW 219.2 lbs / GW 210.0 lbs / CW 219.2 lbs / PROGRESS

    Goodness gracious. What in the world is going on with me? I wish I could blame it on TOM or water/salt weight, but at least 2 lb of those are due to very, very bad food choices. Hopefully though I can get my butt in gear and see a significant loss next week. Yesterday was a good day as far as finally staying in my calories. Let's see if I can repeat that today.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    happy weekend....

    didn't end on a good note. but, it's ok. getting better at the night eating.

    nothing much on the books for the weekend. going to check out the "nook" and maybe some shopping. other than that nothing much. wanting to take a hike. but, weather isn't as warm as i would like and it rained so much the last few days, still muddy.

  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    good morning all, i am so glad its the weekend! work has been a major bore for me this week but hopefully will be better next week! i am really hoping to hit the 155bs over the next two weeks! i am so nearly there!!!

    its minging weather here this weekend, rain rain rain!! so no runs for me. i am a fair weather runner!! but hopefully next week i'll be able to get out with my friend Cat. we've not run properly since before christmas because its ust too dark when we both finish wrk and i don't like running in the dark on my own either. so next week as its getting lighter we should be ok!!

    plan for the weekend.....spend some time with my mum, dinner at my mums toight with a friend (healthy italian so dont worry!!) then tomorrow a day with the beloved! i always feel really guilty at weekends as i do not always purposely allot some exercise time, but i figure i work hard in the week so i deserve two days off, an i still keep on top of mydiet. but over the enxt few weeks i am going to up it as i have got a goal to reach!!!

    its my friends wedding at the end of april and that was my first goal time, so we;ll work hard through march and hopefully get there!!

    lauren, i'm sorry to hear you've had such a naff week, it sounds like you are really down at the moment and i am sorry things arent good with DH job situation. Remember you are a strong and motivated woman and hopefully that will rub off on DH. it must be hard for him too, I expect he feels pretty low on the self esteem front. Its all troughs and peaks and I really hope things start to move to the peak soon!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • brasslady1
    Good afternoon to all.........and hope everyone is having a good weekend....Went to grocery store and did some shopping......when I go to Wal Mart it's a 2 hour deal ...I certainly get my walking in for that least it feels like it....I see where you all work out with different far all I have is Wii.........I need to find out more about the Netflix videos......Tonight is our Bingo night and before we go, we have dinner at the Subway and I get the 6" wheat -9 with black forest ham and cheese...light mustard...onions a small pkg of baked chips....Looking forward to it... gotta run talk to ya'll later
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning..

    the problems with the site being down and trouble recording foods is very frustrating when you are on a roll.

    can't even finish yesterdays logging it locks up on me.
