Vitamin D Deficiency

MrsBehaving Posts: 100 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
Does anyone have any thoughts on vitamin D deficiency? I already know that I am extremely deficient. I am just wondering if there is anyone out there that is familiar with the effects this might have on a person. Could this be hindering my weight loss effort? Should I be taking a supplement or is it not that big a deal?


  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    My gyno told me I was extremely deficient and put me on 3000 IU of D3 each day. I get them from Costco. In March I'm supposed to get my blood retested to see if the supplements have increased my level.

    In many of the health and fitness magazines I've seen an increased focus on Vitamin D and how common it's becoming for women to be deficient. See your doctor and ask him/her what to do to increase your levels.

  • LilOlMe69
    LilOlMe69 Posts: 89 Member
    You should definately ask your doctor, but I know it runs in my family, and most of our women take a supplement. I don't, I live in central washington (they live on the westside) and I get quite a bit of sunshine! :)
  • Being a woman having a vitamin D deficiency is common, but definitely not something that works in your favor. You should take a vitamin D supplement ON TOP of your multivitamin everyday. Take it in the morning with breakfast, so it has a little bit of fat to help break it up and digest better. Get plenty of oily fish and dairy products in your diet. It helps to prevent a lot of cancers that are related mostly to women, it's a necessity for your bones, and it's also a natural anti-depressant. Your doctor should be checking your Vitamin D levels often.
  • I recently found out that I have a vitamin D deficiency as well. Not really sure where it comes from, I was actually quite surprised that mine was so low. I have since started taking a Women's One a Day vitamin that has an extra boost of vitamin D. Hoping that helps.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Yes vitamin D deficiency is a big deal. While the scientific study continues, it may be a contributing factor to a bunch of major illnesses. I take supplements to make sure I get enough in a day. You say you know you are deficient, how do you know?
  • mgriffin51
    mgriffin51 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm not an expert, but I would ask your doctor about WHY you are deficient. Taking supplements might solve your deficiency but it wouldn't fix whatever is causing it. I know cushing's syndrome causes vitamin D deficiency, and there are probably other diseases out there that do the same.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    interesting! so vit D is considered a natural anti-depressant?

    i have always found winters (i live in northern alberta *shivers* where the winters are interminably long and the daylight hours short.
    Every winter i have felt terrible.. like all i wanted to do was curl up into a ball and hide under the bed. i dare say i have been suffering from S.A.D but... never knew for sure. Anyway, suffice to say winters were a write-off for me.

    Last fall (after watching a DR Oz show i think *L*) i started taking vitamin D
    It is the only change i made to my food or supplement intake.

    This has been the first winter i have felt like i remained 'alive' and a 'person' instead of a blob of hibernating somethingorother.
    It is a huge and noticeable change for me.

    2 weeks ago i mentioned this to my Dr, how good i had felt all winter... and i even mentioned 'the only thing i have done differently this winter is i started taking vitamin D last fall, i don't know if the two are related but i have wondered'

    His reply was to say well that's good you have been feeling better this year.. whether the 2 are related or not.. hmmmm (at which point he make a puzzled/skeptical face).

    But if what you are saying is true about that... it sure would explain alot for me!
    all i know is. i am SO going to keep taking it.. i have noticed a difference for myself and the two 'seem' related to me (even if it is only a coincidence *L*) so that's good enough for me *L*

    thanks for the insight!
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    My mother has Lupus & the doctor told her she needs to take vitamin D. A good multivitamin is all she needs. No extra Vitamin D ontop of the multivitamin.
    ***You need to see your doctor about how much you need!!!!
    Too much of a certain vitamin is not good for you either! I was taking prenatal vitamins because I am anemic. The doctors found my vitamin levels were too high! It was making my nueropothy worse. I switched to a regular multivitamin & now have it under control.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    interesting! so vit D is considered a natural anti-depressant?

    i have always found winters (i live in northern alberta *shivers* where the winters are interminably long and the daylight hours short.
    Every winter i have felt terrible.. like all i wanted to do was curl up into a ball and hide under the bed. i dare say i have been suffering from S.A.D but... never knew for sure. Anyway, suffice to say winters were a write-off for me.

    Last fall (after watching a DR Oz show i think *L*) i started taking vitamin D
    It is the only change i made to my food or supplement intake.

    This has been the first winter i have felt like i remained 'alive' and a 'person' instead of a blob of hibernating somethingorother.
    It is a huge and noticeable change for me.

    2 weeks ago i mentioned this to my Dr, how good i had felt all winter... and i even mentioned 'the only thing i have done differently this winter is i started taking vitamin D last fall, i don't know if the two are related but i have wondered'

    His reply was to say well that's good you have been feeling better this year.. whether the 2 are related or not.. hmmmm (at which point he make a puzzled/skeptical face).

    But if what you are saying is true about that... it sure would explain alot for me!
    all i know is. i am SO going to keep taking it.. i have noticed a difference for myself and the two 'seem' related to me (even if it is only a coincidence *L*) so that's good enough for me *L*

    thanks for the insight!

    Doctors are often skeptical about nutritional supplements, but then it does not fit with their training. While I don't buy into everything in the documentary Food Matters, it is a good reminder that doctors are not trained in nutrition, they are trained in medicine. Their answer to things is medicines or surgery and only in terms of an actual deficiency will they say take some supplement. I don't think that is correct, and believe proper supplementation can help with many things with far less side effects than the usual drug treatments.

    Just as an anecdotal observation, I have been taking vitamin D as well this year, and while I am usually quite affective by the dark winter months, that does not seem to be the case for me either this year. The other thing that I thought was helping is I am active outdoors this year cross country skiing and the like this year, but maybe it is the vitamin D.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I have heard from both a local naturopath and a trainer that Vitamin D is very essential and most people have way too little. The naturopath doctor says in Europe the recommended levels are much higher than here in the US. People always think of vitamin D as essential for bone health but the trainer mentioned it is actually essential to every type of cell we have.
  • Absolutely you should be taking supplements! For over a year now my doctor has me taking VitD3 supplements. Every six weeks I have my thyroid and Vit D level drawn. It's taken a year to go from a level 17 to 41. I take 5000 IU a day. My dr. wants my level between 50 - 70.

    Vitamin D3 is essential to your immunity. Optimal health is always essential and having a good immune system is part of being healthy. I don't know that it has any direct link to losing weight; however, I do know that being healthy and not getting sick has kept me on track with my weight loss.

    It is important to know that you need Vit D3 and not just Vit D - there is a difference. I'm a registered nurse and I've read up a lot on this. At this time there isn't a known toxicity level. Vit D3 is fat soluable. I have all my family on Vit D3. We rarely get sick. I also take Selemiun, magnesium, & calcium with it. All of these help with absorption of Vit D3 and my dr. recommended it. I also take a daily dose of Vit C energy packet with B vitamins in it.

    When my pediatrician recommended that I start giving my infant Vit D3, I told him how much I was taking and he felt comfortable that my baby was getting enough through my breastmilk.
  • interesting! so vit D is considered a natural anti-depressant?

    i have always found winters (i live in northern alberta *shivers* where the winters are interminably long and the daylight hours short.
    Every winter i have felt terrible.. like all i wanted to do was curl up into a ball and hide under the bed. i dare say i have been suffering from S.A.D but... never knew for sure. Anyway, suffice to say winters were a write-off for me.

    Last fall (after watching a DR Oz show i think *L*) i started taking vitamin D
    It is the only change i made to my food or supplement intake.

    This has been the first winter i have felt like i remained 'alive' and a 'person' instead of a blob of hibernating somethingorother.
    It is a huge and noticeable change for me.

    2 weeks ago i mentioned this to my Dr, how good i had felt all winter... and i even mentioned 'the only thing i have done differently this winter is i started taking vitamin D last fall, i don't know if the two are related but i have wondered'

    His reply was to say well that's good you have been feeling better this year.. whether the 2 are related or not.. hmmmm (at which point he make a puzzled/skeptical face).

    But if what you are saying is true about that... it sure would explain alot for me!
    all i know is. i am SO going to keep taking it.. i have noticed a difference for myself and the two 'seem' related to me (even if it is only a coincidence *L*) so that's good enough for me *L*

    thanks for the insight!

    Same thing happened to my mom, I think it's definitely linked.
  • MrsBehaving
    MrsBehaving Posts: 100 Member
    Yes vitamin D deficiency is a big deal. While the scientific study continues, it may be a contributing factor to a bunch of major illnesses. I take supplements to make sure I get enough in a day. You say you know you are deficient, how do you know?

    I work in a hosptial and we (employees) get it tested in the lab once per year. I was extremely deficient last year too. My doc put me on prescription vitamin D. Naughty me failed to get more when those ran out. :( I am just wondering what the side effects are.
  • MrsBehaving
    MrsBehaving Posts: 100 Member
    I'm not an expert, but I would ask your doctor about WHY you are deficient. Taking supplements might solve your deficiency but it wouldn't fix whatever is causing it. I know cushing's syndrome causes vitamin D deficiency, and there are probably other diseases out there that do the same.

    I know one big problem is that I live in Minnesota. We only get sun like 3 months out of the year. lol! But when we do get sun, I try to avoid it because I am afraid of skin cancer. But I will have to look into that Cushings Syndrome.
  • MrsBehaving
    MrsBehaving Posts: 100 Member
    Absolutely you should be taking supplements! For over a year now my doctor has me taking VitD3 supplements. Every six weeks I have my thyroid and Vit D level drawn. It's taken a year to go from a level 17 to 41. I take 5000 IU a day. My dr. wants my level between 50 - 70.

    Vitamin D3 is essential to your immunity. Optimal health is always essential and having a good immune system is part of being healthy. I don't know that it has any direct link to losing weight; however, I do know that being healthy and not getting sick has kept me on track with my weight loss.

    It is important to know that you need Vit D3 and not just Vit D - there is a difference. I'm a registered nurse and I've read up a lot on this. At this time there isn't a known toxicity level. Vit D3 is fat soluable. I have all my family on Vit D3. We rarely get sick. I also take Selemiun, magnesium, & calcium with it. All of these help with absorption of Vit D3 and my dr. recommended it. I also take a daily dose of Vit C energy packet with B vitamins in it.

    When my pediatrician recommended that I start giving my infant Vit D3, I told him how much I was taking and he felt comfortable that my baby was getting enough through my breastmilk.

    I have been deficient for at least the past 2 years and I have not been sick for almost 3 so I think my immune system is okee dokee without the vitamin D but I am thinking there must be other reasons or benefits to having a good vitamin D level because I can think of no other reason why my employer (a hospital) would find it important to test and make us aware of our levels every year.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm not an expert, but I would ask your doctor about WHY you are deficient. Taking supplements might solve your deficiency but it wouldn't fix whatever is causing it. I know cushing's syndrome causes vitamin D deficiency, and there are probably other diseases out there that do the same.

    I know one big problem is that I live in Minnesota. We only get sun like 3 months out of the year. lol! But when we do get sun, I try to avoid it because I am afraid of skin cancer. But I will have to look into that Cushings Syndrome.

    That is one of the biggest reasons you are deficient. Anyone that doesn't get regular sunlight exposure is going to be deficient.

    I was extremely deficient. I see a Naturopathic Dr and she recommended 5,000 IU per day and to get at least 30 minutes of sun per day. I go to a tanning bed a couple times per week when the dead of winter hits due to lack of sunlight. She recommended 10 - 15 minutes exposure in the tanning bed to be the equivalent of 30 minutes of sunlight exposure.
  • I also found out I was vitamin d deficient last year. apparently most overweight people are because they're fat absorbs it so quickly. I have been taking 5000IU and I found it at the vitamin shoppe. I read somewhere it supposed to help with people with muscle. pain. I haven't really noticed a different with that but I haven't been taking my anti depressants is at least 3 months and I've noticed a difference with my mood an attitude in a positive way which is interesting because I usually am very depressed during the winter cold months like most people can be. I seem to be more positive and chipper which is really good but not like me or I should say not like how I used to be without being on medication. I've been on anti depressants for several years now so this makes me happy if there is a correlation between my supplements, exercise, the support and my positive attitude so that I don't feel I need to beat those anymore. I hate relying on medication period.
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