thyroid problem

Hey there....after doing some reserch on some of my symptoms, I'm worried I may have a thyroid problem (hypothyroid). For those of you who have this issue, what were things you noticed symptom wise that led to you seeking medical help.

I am constantly fatigued, have excess water retetention, can't ever get warm (despite being larger set), and have weight issues my whole life....including the inability to lose's so hard. I also have patches of rough skin on my face and in college my hair was falling out in multiple strands at a time.

Does this sound like a thyroid issue?


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I have that, and all I noticed was that I was gaining weight despite no change to my diet or exercise regime...not sure about the other symptoms
  • neensbeans
    neensbeans Posts: 2 Member
    It sounds like you should get it checked out. For me, it was fatigue and problems with my period. I was hoping for weight loss, but I've been on thyroid meds for over a year, and while my thyroid levels are great, I have way more energy and normal periods, I have not lost weight. My doctor said not to rely on the thyroid medicine to lose weight.

    For me, the increase in energy alone helped so much.

    Hope this helps!!
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I have had hypothyroidism for about 16 years, I can always tell when my meds are off and I need and adjustment. The biggest symptom is fatigue! I get extremely tired. Other symptoms are hair loss, inability to get warm, dry skin, cold hands, feet, and nose, etc... It is a simple blood test to have your thyroid checked....sounds like it mught not hurt to have it done!
  • AshleyS15
    AshleyS15 Posts: 8 Member
    that was the first thing i thought i had a few years was polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Go google it, it may be that. It has something to do with hormones.
  • MrsBehaving
    MrsBehaving Posts: 100 Member
    I have ALL those symptoms but my thyroid always tests normal. Sometimes I wish I did have a problem, then I would have a reason why I have the symptoms and could get some meds to help. But nope.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    I have had an ovarian ultrasound before to check out that and other problem as I was having a strange pain in my side. Everything was normal. My periods have always been normal in all ways as well and I've been on bc for several years now. I was put on yaz for what I was diagnosed as PMDD, but I'm wondering now if I have a thyroid problem if that would not also explain why I have depression?!
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and have been on medication for years. Before the meds, I was so extremely exhausted, I would go into the restroom into a stall and just sit with my head in my hands and fall asleep. I was always cold, even though heavy set. Oh, and I was heavy. Since going on the meds, I don't have the unexplained exhaustion, and I have been able to lose weight. Granted, now that I'm smaller, I'm still cold all the time... I would recommend having it checked out.
  • laurakrowe
    i've had hypothyroidism for 10+yrs now.
    when my thyroid is out of whack i get the cold spells, trouble sleeping, HORRIBLE skin (dryness and itching).
    When you get it checked out - request that your doctor checks both your TSH and T4 levels - one blood draw for the 2 tests.
  • toodleton
    I have been diagnosed with goiter/hypothyroidism for about 2 years now but dealt with the symptoms for 16 at least and one of the things I noticed was that I was so fatigued regardless of amount of sleep, my hair has fell out a couple of different times (just started thinning and coming out in the shower, with brushing,etc.) the weight issue has been a constant issue, intolerance to cold (if I experience cold temps for example like walking through the parking lot at work in thin scrub pants then when I get inside where it's warm, my legs will rash out in welts from the cold temp), migraines, irritability, memory loss, water retention and low immune system are some that I can think of right away. I had been advised from a gynecologist to lose weight because my stomach was getting large (I weighed 20 lbs less than I do now!) and I had fatty deposits around my liver, so I went to my family doctor and she noticed my thyroid was enlarged and did some blood work which of course came back within normal range so then she proceeded to prescribe me appetite suppressants and when in 2 months time I had only lost 4 pounds with noticeable calorie reduction and daily exercise of at least 30 minutes faithfully she knew then it was my thyroid so she started me on Synthroid and at first it really helped my energy levels but that only lasted a few months so I went back, had blood work again and they increased the dosage and that helped again for a few months now I am back to appetite suppressants to try to boost my metabolism and increase energy levels and hopefully boost my thyroid as well. Best wishes to you, it's sooo frustrating!
  • Higglyjiggly64
    I had ALL those symptoms and I have hypothyroidism. Go get it checked. Whatever the issue, get it taken care of so you can feel better!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I had an imbalance at one point when my thyroid was producing hormones at the wrong levels. I went to the Dr. because I was having dizzy spells really often. I never had to be on any medication the imbalance fixed itself but getting it checked out is as simple as a blood test. No reason not to check! Good luck! :)
  • ebc01
    ebc01 Posts: 1
    I have thyroid issue as well and being on medicine have maintained my conditions. I have always thought by having thyroid that i couldn't lose weight but I did. Going on this website using there tools i have managed to lose 26 lbs by watching my calories and execising have help. You should get this check out because in order to lose you have to know whether or not you have that condition.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I have been dealing with hypothyroidism for several years. My symptoms were severe -- hair loss, memory loss, depression, lack of energy, cold hands and feet, lower than average body temperature, lack of sleep, severe and heavy periods, muscle cramps -- I truly had every symptom horribly. My TSH comes in the "normal" range and my T3 is always low whereas my T4 is slightly above the range.

    Even if your blood work shows it to be OK -- it can still be messed up! I finally went to an internist in January and cannot tell you how different (wonderful) I feel now. I am on a compounded T3/T4 and within a week, my hair loss has almost completely stopped, I am energized, sleeping well, no cramping and I feel like I am out of the fog I was living in. I feel like I am getting my life back! I do firmly believe that along with eating healthy and exercising now, it has definately contributed to my recent 13 lb weight loss since 2/1, but definately finding a doctor who knows what they are doing in this area was a God send!