
I'm been doing Body for Life now for 3 weeks and I've lost nothing. I am eating great and cutting back on all the little things that mess with progress. I feel better but my weight's not budging. What's up?!


    are you lossing inches could be building mus.
  • loveshannonmarie
    loveshannonmarie Posts: 30 Member
    Don't give up my weight didn't start coming off for a few weeks as well then all of the sudden it was dropping like crazy! Be sure to drink plenty of water also to boost your thyroid I take 7-keto it is great and its not a diet pill its just a natural supplement so no cracky feeling and it has zero side effects :)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    why don't you make your diary public so that other members can take a peak and maybe " make " some suggestions ?

    i know your frustration , worked out 5x a week and followed mfp guidelines but had no loss for more than 4 months ! at all no loss

    turned out

    - i was eating to many kcls- i can't afford to eat the kcls i'm burning- so that part doesn't work for me
    - i wasn't eating the right proportions of food- not enough protein, way to many carbs etc..
    - wasn't eating " on time " i thought as long as i follow the xy amount of kcls doesn't matter if i eat 2 or 3 times a day- turs out i need 5 smaller meals- works for me now
    - didn't drink enough water - always thought i did- still struggle with that one
    - had too much " artificial " food but i thought i was eating healthy..
    - biggest switch i have made for my kcls is - stopping the " cereals " because the tasty ones for me have to much sugar , too much carbs, to little fiber - the " healthy ones " taste like nothing.. so i switched from cereals to steel cut oatmeal every morning with some cinnamon and 1 tbsp of peanutb. - it' cut me a ton of sugar and carbs in my daily intake- also keeps me so much more satisfied than any cereals ever did.. - so if every thing goes wrong i make sure at least i get my oatmeal right ! cook it the night before and you can refrigerate it for next few days so you don't have to cook every day

    - i used to use fruits as a substitute for all the candy i was missing- yes fruit is healthy but having a " binge " on anything isn't really whats going to help us.. so i used to have a fruit everytime i felt i needed somethign sweet- sometimes i would have after dinner 1 banana, or 2-3 organges.. or 2 cups of grapes.. thinking " but it's healthy "
    turns out- yes- fruits are good for you but even if it's the " healthy sugar " it's still sugar and in the night- you going to sleep so - you not going to use it /burn it - you will do only one thing with it- store it after it has been converted to fat ..
    - so no more fruits after 2-3 pm in the day for me , i limit my fruits to 1 or 2 a day - and instead have a ton of veggies- of course
    potatoes/ corn and peas are limited - everything else pretty much you can eat as much as you need to get full

    my " candy " now is a pure protein bar- it has a lot of protein and a lot of chocolate flavor /or peanut butter etc- i no longer " crave ' chocolate - i know i have one of these a day and it works for me

    no drinks- beside water - i know for many it's hard to accept the " no soda " life but it's not only kcls we should be concered of - but everything else .. if we want a " great looking body " healthy etc- you can't but crap in it and accept it to look great .. what you want to be seen outside you have to be mindfull what you throw inside.

    Good luck i hope i didn't bug you too long ..
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,120 Member
    bosanka, excellent post.
  • muffintopteri
    Thank you so much. It is good to hear that you can go a while without losing weight. I do eat super healthy and since I've been working out I've increased my water intake. cut out the half and half in my one treat (iced coffee) so because of the encouragement I'm NOT quitting!!
  • muffintopteri
    I'm not a Buddhist but I do love this quote.
  • muffintopteri
    Thank you for taking the time!
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    Don't give up, keep trying. At least you are not gaining. Is that your car in your picture. I love it.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,120 Member
    I'm not a Buddhist but I do love this quote.

    Me neither.
  • muffintopteri
    The car in my profile picture was at Universal Studios. It is great isn't it!