Diets dont work???

How many people agree with that slogan?

"Diets dont work?"

I am one of them, I stay on a diet for about a week and than slack off, or they just simply do not work!!!
I believe "lifestyle changes" do though, I have learned that in order for MY BODY to be healthy I have to eat right and exercise for the rest of my life! Bummer huh? why couldnt I be one of those I can eat anything and wont gain a pounds chicks.... I have come to realize they sometimes have bigger issues than what I want to think about. So anyway changing my eating pattern and exercising 4 days a week is working for me! and thats the way the cookie crumbles.....

comments? suggestions? please


  • dedelen0
    dedelen0 Posts: 21
    How many people agree with that slogan?

    "Diets dont work?"

    I am one of them, I stay on a diet for about a week and than slack off, or they just simply do not work!!!
    I believe "lifestyle changes" do though, I have learned that in order for MY BODY to be healthy I have to eat right and exercise for the rest of my life! Bummer huh? why couldnt I be one of those I can eat anything and wont gain a pounds chicks.... I have come to realize they sometimes have bigger issues than what I want to think about. So anyway changing my eating pattern and exercising 4 days a week is working for me! and thats the way the cookie crumbles.....

    comments? suggestions? please
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    i definitely agree... that is my motto! diets definitely do not work.

    and as much as we all wish we could be one of "those" girls who can eat whatever and whenever, just be grateful that you know everything that's going into your body is healthy and good for you!!! :happy:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I completely agree. I'm not on a diet (contrary to what my co-worker thinks). It's a lifestyle change. Diets definitely don't work. This is something I will be doing the rest of my life. My body will thank me for it. :bigsmile:
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    I used to be one of those eat what you want and tons of it and never gain girls but age has finally caught up with me. I have found that it is easier to lose the weight and keep it off if I don't call it dieting. I refer to it as a lifestyle change and have learned from past experience that I still eat what I want, I just had to adjust my portions and that I needed to get up off my butt and do some exercise. Too often we fail on diets because they are so limiting in what we can and cannot have and that just leads to failure. I have managed to lose 18 pounds and have kept them off even with having minor setbacks such as surgery, poison ivy, etc which kept me from going to the gym for an extended period of time. I firmly believe that had I been on a diet, I would have said screw this and gone back to my old eating habits but because I have changed my lifestyle I was able to at least maintain and I know that I will shed these last pesky 5 pounds.
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    I agree:drinker:
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    The minute I say I'm going on a diet I have to eat anything in the house that could tempt me to go off the diet. After that I spend 3-5 days saying..."this is my last binge, I'll start the diet tomorrow", then I'm good for about 3-5 days, go the to grocery store when I'm hungry, fill the house up with bad food again and give up. In the meantime, I've gained anywhere from 2-5 pounds.

    So: yes I agree "Diets don't work".
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I totally agree diets dont work, but life style changes really do. I started but just cutting out most of the high fructose corn syrup in my diet, thats nasty stuff and choosing foods that are made using real sugar instead. Now I have accepted that if I must drink milk it needs to be Fat Free and I found fat free shredded cheese and mix it with the 2% cheese when ever I make something at home that has cheese in it and it really is not bad as long as you dont eat it straight. Also cottage cheese, so good for you and the fat free really tastes the same. I also found a Fat free ranch that tastes better then the light. Pizza has been my hardest adjustment so I am limiting that to like 2 times a month instead or a week. I have only been at the new part and the watching calories for 3.5 weeks now but my weight is down 8lbs and my body fat % as of 1.5 weeks ago when I had it tested was already down 1.5%. So I know its working, I have been exersizing to though which helps.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member

    Whatever you do to lose the weight, you have to do the rest of your life to keep the weight off!!! Could I eat a protein diet for the rest of my life? Grapefruit only? Cabbage soup? NOPE!

    Could I watch my portions, eat lots of fruit and veg, and exercise regularly? Of course! This site is the epitome of 'lifestyle change'. Love it!
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    I agree with "DIETS DON"T WORK" I mean At first yeah you may loose some weight.. but then you go back to your old eating habits... JUNK and lots of bread and fried foods.... So changing our lifestyles is best. I agree.. even when people get upset that you don't want to eat what they eat or that you just wont eat certin things anymore.. Bread and junk food was what made me fat.. why continue to eat them. I still eat ice cream... and pizza but in moderation....and having a piece of cake for a bday party is a once in a blue moon thing... Providing its acutally good Not every day like we used to. Another big thing i noticed is the saying "YOU HAVE TO EAT EVERY THING ON YOUR PLATE" gosh whom ever made this saying was crazy.... I had a hard time giving that up... SO.. yeah Diets don't work but eating healthy is just a change we should have to change....OK.. Im done.... :bigsmile: