The Lent Thread



  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I think it would be more useful in the long run, and more in keeping with the spirit of this, to give up a self-defeating habit. When you repeatedly do something self-sabotaging (and I'm thinking in the way of beating yourself up, talking down to yourself, etc.) you remove yourself from the Church in its sense of a community; when you feel as though you're a horrible person, then you tend to isolate yourself.

    So you could try to break a bad habit of negative self-talk, or try to develop one of reaching out to others. Both will be challenges, both will improve your self-esteem, and both will improve your connection to others.
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    I fast once a week for 24 hours without bread or water. Doesn't hinder weight loss or slow metabolism. I burn about 500 calories less a say when I fast only because I don't exercise.

    I should mention this fast is from dinner to dinner. So if I finish dinner Tuesday night at 5:15 I eat dinner Wednesday at 5:15.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i'm giving up facebook again (did it last year) and will do a liquid fast of half my calories one day a week where i pray and focus on our spiritual need. :)
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    I will do a liquid fast of half my calories one day a week

    Hmm... what's a "liquid fast of half my calories"?
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Bump - feel free to join in! A little over a week until lent starts. Are you excited?!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Two more days! I'm getting a little nervous about giving up the soda for 40 days... I'm a huge soda drinker. I'm hoping by the end of this I won't care for it anymore... it will be nice to have all those extra calories everyday.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,423 Member
    I've been thinking of giving up Facebook too. I spend way too much time on there and it really takes away from the things I need to be doing for my family. I've given up food items in the past but with my new healthy lifestyle, I've (pretty much!) moved to everything in moderation and I think that would be a backwards step for me. The other thing I'm toying with is trying to be more positive in my comments towards and about others, especially my kids. Pretty sure it will be Facebook though. That will be really hard! (but boy will I have a lot of extra time!)
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I've been thinking of giving up Facebook too. I spend way too much time on there and it really takes away from the things I need to be doing for my family. I've given up food items in the past but with my new healthy lifestyle, I've (pretty much!) moved to everything in moderation and I think that would be a backwards step for me. The other thing I'm toying with is trying to be more positive in my comments towards and about others, especially my kids. Pretty sure it will be Facebook though. That will be really hard! (but boy will I have a lot of extra time!)

    I don't think I could give up facebook... lol.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Tomorrow is the big start day! Hope you enjoy your last day with whatever it is you will be giving up.

    I will be enjoying my last soda tonight hehe. I'm excited to see how much I will progress in my weight loss with the soda cut out.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I've decided to give up chocolate this year. I'm not usually a choc-o-holic...but over the past few weeks I cannot seem to get enough of it. I've got to stop this bad habit in it's tracks and what better time than to give it up for God and if it helps in the weight department...even better.
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I've been trying to think of what I could give up (though I very much appreciate the notion that adding something good to draw us closer to God is also a beneficial idea). The only food item that I still have left that I consider a bad habit is artificial sweeteners. Maybe now is the time to kick that habit. Not quite sure how to use that effectively as a Lenten devotion and not just another MFP-inspired lifestyle change.
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    giving up chocolate for lent. gonna do fat tuesday right today with some chocolate and pizza (my roommate is giving up bread). whoop! excited and scared!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    How is everyone doing so far?

    Two days in - no soda. I had no idea how many calories I used up drinking the stuff, I know it was a lot but now that it's not taking up my daily calories I'm struggling trying to get my intake in. Like today for example, I just finished dinner and only net 980 calories... and I still have to get my workout in. Am I hungry? No - still eating the same amount I was before. But now I have to figure out how to ingest 200-400 more calories a day just to get to the 1200 threshold. It's really opening up my eyes.

    Hope everyone is doing great so far!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I've been doing well with my Lenten goals--how is everyone else doing?

    I decided to give up added sugars as well as nuts and have done very well with both of those. I have also added an evening bible study/quiet time to my routine and I think that helps me to sleep better!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    For Lent, I've opted to include at least 30 minutes of activity into my day. So far so good. This is good for me and for God because if this leads me to a healthier lifestyle, I will be happier and living a life closer to what God intends for me.

    What's surprised me most throughout this is how much I look forward to my workouts. I suspect this will be a life-changing experience in the long run.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I give up sweets every year for lent. No cookies, chocolate, candy, sugar, desserts.

    This is what I'm giving up too and so far I haven't wanted to have any sweets. Maybe God is delivering me from them?? We'll have to wait and see, because I'm contemplating never having any ever again because they are like what alchol is to an alcoholic and I don't want to be controlled by it anymore!

    I've had others share with me that they are giving up like cursing for example. It doesn't have to be food related or exercise related, you can give up an attitude, a bad habit, etc.
  • MamaLeague
    MamaLeague Posts: 148 Member
    At first I had decided to give up wine. However, I really don't drink all that often now that I'm watching my weight. I decided to stick completely to the healthy lifestyle I have adopted recently. I'm at about the one month point in this weight lose journey, down about 4-5 lbs total. This is about the time I start to slack and stop trying.

    I've done well so far, I've stuck to my guns. Last night was tough, but I only went over calories by ~100. So, not too bad. I'm going out to eat with friends tonight and have already logged everything and fit it into my days calories. I need to start measuring myself, because I am seeing changes, but not on the scale.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Mine is going great! No chocolate and I have resisted...I have a feeling that Easter morning I'll gorge myself of a few cadbury creme eggs and reese eggs. They are my two favorite Easter candies....and seeing them everywhere right now is so tough. But I'm strong and this 40 days is nothing compaired to the sacrifice that He made for me. I can do this!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Still doing good on no soda. It's getting tough - especially when my fiance chugs the stuff like the world is ending :laugh:

    Strangely enough I haven't really had any cravings for it, but I do miss the taste for my Dr. Pepper.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    In memory of my grandpa who died two weeks ago, I'm participating in Lent...he was very catholic. Me not so much, but I will refrain from having chocolate until Easter Sunday at noon. It was WAY harder than I thought it would be. I mean WAY WAY harder. I love chocolate, it makes me happy...even in small doses, or in my super healthy kashi granola bars...but I feel that in order to understand Lent, you have to give up, or do something that is dear to you. It won't work if I give up liver, or booze, I don't drink that much anyway...but chocolate is my way of life! I hope grandpa is proud of me...