A question for those of you that have reached (or almost rea

Ack, sorry, I guess you can't edit the topic-this is for those of you that have reached, or almost reached, your weight loss goal.

I have faith in myself that I will one day be a thin blonde bombshell ;-) I'm 8lbs down and much more to go, but I wonder how I'll be when I reach my goal. How will I keep the weight off? I understand I'm making a lifestyle change, but I always wonder if my mind has "clicked" for good, if you know what I mean.

So I'm curious, for those of you that are already thin bombshells :) - is it easy/hard keeping the weight off? Do you find that you're more willing to be active as a thinner person, which in turn makes it easier to stay thin? I like to think that will happen to me. When you're overweight, it's not very fun to be active you know? What's it been like for you?


  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I still have 9 lbs to go, but have lost almost 89 lbs. My entire mindset has changed. I love working out, especially running and will always do it. When I started, I hated it, lmao.

    I've had a food revolution in my life. I've seen those around me become unhealthy and have major health consequences and get sick with serious illnesses, such as cancer, due to poor food choice. I will never stop being a whole foodie anymore. It's a cause I believe in deeply.

    That being said, I don't live my life perfectly and will still have Taco Bell now and then. Realizing I can be human and not be spot on 100% for the rest of my life helps take the pressure off of having to be perfect in this process.

    It's about becoming better all the time. :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    It is ongoing education, work, goals, keeping active and cooking a lot!! I live by the 90/10 rule...if I am "on" 90% of the time, I have 10% to do whatever I want with. And so far that works great! I do like constantly changing things up, doing new challenging exercises, finding new amazing foods to enjoy, cooking, and just living a happy life!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    It's NOT easy
    I usually go up and down about 7/8 pounds....this has happened 3x in the past 3-4yrs
    Everytime I get back to my goal or ideal weight I swear it won't happen again...bit it does
    I lost 27ish pounds here though, so I try to stay positive and think I've kept *most* of it off for the past few years :)
    I think for ME I need to be help accountable and weigh in weekly, I also need to eat certain foods in moderation but avoid certain foods all together
    It's easy to rationalize one cheat day or cheat meal won't change your weight....but before you know it one cheat day, turns into 2 and so forth...so I just think you need to be realistic about your triggers and lifestyle...what a healthy weight to maintain is for you

    Good luck!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    well, I cant say Im a thin hot bombshell, but.......

    if you ll take the opion of a man, then I can answer. Actually, lol, I can say, from a health point of view, minus looking hot.........the health aspect is not to be ignored

    I can breathe much easier, Im not so freaked about being out of breath, or worse, be out in the country, and get short winded and kinda of get scared becausee there is no hospital around to assist. Also, the amount of energy is great, I dont dread going into a mall or a mans clothing store. I like super markets now, I used to hate to go to a grocery store to shop.

    I need to lose 19 lbs, lost 121 so far, but for me, its the enjoyment NOW , of going to my Drs office for my yearly physial and seeing the look on his face, knowing that I did follow Drs orders and eat properly and exercise

    Its not hard now, I dont really have problems, guess after 11 months, its gotten to be a routine.......Im happier, healthier, feel normal, lol... and Im enjoying life more.
    I hope you continue your journey, youll never want to be where you were back then............Thats the most important thing to me.....not being in that black hole of being morbidly obese.......Best wishes and good luck on your journey.......Lloyd
  • missmiller1
    missmiller1 Posts: 131 Member
    Once I hit my goal weight, I still kept tracking my food and exercise to keep myself accountable.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Once I hit my goal weight, I still kept tracking my food and exercise to keep myself accountable.

    Ditto. In my opinion, maintaining will require as much discipline and commitment as getting there...if not more.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I'm five pounds away until I reach my goal weight but if I were to be at the weight I am now, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

    I try to keep active. This is hard to do currently as I am unemployed. I don't have a reason to go out of the house most days.. I can stay in my pajamas all day and no one would know!!! But then I would just feel lazy. So I make an effort to go to the gym or do a workout video at home. I still have a part time job which is around 10 hours a week and it requires you to be constantly standing, so I think that's good for me as well..

    I just like being able to run now without gasping for breath or feeling like I'm going to heal over and die. I want to be in shape so when I have children I will be able to keep up with them and have the energy to do things with them at the end of the day. I definitely have days where I think I can 'spare' the extra brownie and piece of cake.. but the next day when the scale goes up I am reminded that I still have to keep within my calories. The extra brownie a day is what made me put on the pounds in the first place. I think the mental part is much more harder than the physical part!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I agree... not easy! I've bounced around the same few pounds for months now and I struggle with transitioning to maintenance.

    I don't find myself to enjoy exercising like I hoped I might once reaching this point. I feel really great when I've accomplished a good workout but I'm still lazy. I'm not a gym person. A lot of people have told me I'm not going to want to do it until I find "my thing". I'm trying zumba soon! I hope that's my thing!

    I still love my fattening foods but I've found a lot of foods that keep me just as happy. I've become much more aware of the good and bad choices I make and I am almost always making the conscious effort to eat something that won't pack on the pounds. I love chocolates and sweets and that will never change! But.. before I'd eat half a bag of mini snickers in one sitting. Now I would never let myself have more then a couple pieces of chocolate a day.

    Seeing that number on the scale means everything to me. To think that I thought I'd be SO happy if I ever even weighed 150 and was a size 10. and now I weigh 130 and I'm a size 6-ish. its so nice! However, I notice the fat on my body more now and I feel like I'm not going to be "skinny" like I'd like to be until I can comfortably wear a bikini. That said, I'd like to lose another 5+ lbs and tone. Yet, I'm still so lazy!

    I'm not like everyone though... some people find their thing and never give up. I will say that I take daily walks now that I enjoy and won't give up. I've learned more about how important it is to work your major muscle groups a couple times a week. A fitness instructor said to me recently... do you want to be 70 and need assistance or a support bar to use the toilet or do you want to be able to do it yourself? What a wake up call! It's all about working your muscles which can be as simple as yoga twice a week. I'm really trying to focus on that more now.

    Good luck to you.. every pound you lose will make you so proud of yourself! It is worth it! You'll probably be one of those folks who end up LOVING the work out! :flowerforyou:
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I've reached my goals twice, and this last one was my biggest disappointment (20 lbs the wrong way is definitely a disappointment), so no it's not easy. And like others I became burned out (or just less thrilled with) on exercise and started to lose motivation. Eventually that leads to weight gain and the overall "low" feeling.

    What's easy is falling back into old habits thinking "oh well I'll just get it tomorrow" and then eventually slipping a ways out. All those times of saying "I'll never ______" and exactly that happens is where you have to draw the line once you've gotten there. Of course, you still have to remember that this is a lifestyle change, not just the means to an end result.
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,620 Member
    I have a question rather than an answer. Why is it so much harder to stop the weight gain at the first 5 or 10 pounds than after 20 or 40 or 50?

    Does "tired of dieting" or "tired of exercising" HAVE to be overcome by "despise the way I look" before it's possible to stop, turn around and start all over again?

    Has anybody ever done both? Have you gone through gaining all the weight back, losing it again and then starting to regain AGAIN and then stopped early on? I've done everything but the last bit more times than I can say.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I have made my goal weight and have truly transformed my life and way of thinking. My health is a priority, giving myself and my family quality nutritious fuel (food) for our bodies is a priority, fitness isn't a chore but something that "just is" in my life like brushing my teeth or taking a shower. It is a complete mindset change. Every aspect of it is a conscious choice that I have control over. It is a fantastic feeling that I hope everyone can accomplish. It takes work, commitment, dedication, and accepting responsibility for your actions or lack thereof to truly make a lifelong change. It is my new normal.
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