


  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    One of my bosses is currently doing P90X and smokes. I don't know how he does it without wanting to die halfway through!!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I was a thin smoker and now I'm a chubby non-smoker. I wouldn't chnage that for anything in the world. I'm still healthier now than I ever was before.
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    I use to SMOKE constantlyyyyyyy...... I would work out then leave the gym then get in my car and light up.. I fealt awful.... but I just couldnt quit.

    Thankfully I got pregnant with my twins.... I havent looked back since
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    I decided to change my life the day I got married.

    I made a plan to quit smoking, give myself 4 months to recoup, then start losing weight. Got married October 1st and haven't touched a cigarette since. Some say that people can't "just quit", but it's a willpower choice that you have to make. No one "needs" gum or patches, you just stop smoking. If you were shipwrecked on an island, you'd have no choice. :D

    Is it addictive? Sure, but how can you want to do something, and not have the power to do it? Same with weight loss. If you decide to live healthier and stop eating garbage, then you stop doing it. Put down the fork or the cigarette, and move on towards a better, happier life.

    I 100% agree!!!!
  • chickybabe05
    I am currently a smoker. I agree that weight gain is often a side affect of quitting... although that is not really the reason i have not quit yet. It is more for my sanity. I find weight loss a bit stressful... especially since I am an emotional eater.... AND i also smoke when i am stressed.... so to maintain my sanity I can only kick one stress reliever at a time... I chose to go with food first. I will look at quitting once I reach my weight loss goals. I know I risk gaining back some weight... but I hope by then I have built a routine of healthy eating and exercise that I can maintain and lose any weight I gain from quitting.

    I hear ya!!! Yup, im a smoker too and although i know i need to quit, its my form of stress relief. I have tried to quit before and it makes me turn into a horrible stressed out mess!! I will get there in my own time, when its right for me.
  • paroxysm
    I'm a current smoker with multiple half-assed quit attempts.
    It so far doesn't affect working out (although my bet is if I wasn't smoking my workouts would be even MORE smoking lol) and most people guess I'm a non-smoker.
    I've smoked since age 12 (yikes) and it's the one vice I've held on to as I used to do many not-ok things and I really turned my life around into something AWESOME --go me! Someday I'll let it go. For now, I'm just not ready. I hope that one day, I'll see cigarettes as a bad thing that I just don't want in my life anymore.
    I do think I'm getting close!
  • Missbluebird
    I am a smoker. I will be attempting to quit on Wednesday due to pretty bad bronchial problems. Smoking definately makes it easier when you are cutting back your food intake as it gives you something to do with your mouth but in the state I am in I have no hopes of exersizing if I continue to smoke. I did quit once for 5 years...was a total numbskull to pick it up again. But at least I know I can do it!
  • Rhian_81
    Rhian_81 Posts: 49 Member
    Good luck all you guys out there who want to quit. I'm no quitter... At least not while I'm focusing on losing this weight!

    Step by step, goal by goal and I'll get where I want to be.
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    I quit smoking on April 4, 2010 and am nearing the 1 anniversary of my quit date. I quit for many reasons. The cost had become extremely prohibitive (popular name brand cigs here in canada now cost almost $13 for a pack of 25.), I wanted to feel healthier and be able to do cardio activities, and I did not want my daughter's young memories to be filled with Mommy & Daddy STINKING like an ash-tray.. which is how I remember my parents smelling as a child.

    So I was building myself up to quitting when I went to a Korn concert with girlfriends, and after a horrible and quite unforgettably disgusting experience going to the 'outside' smokers patio between opening acts only to be squeezed through the doors like human toothpaste by the pushing crowd clamoring for their nicotine fix into a dank cigarette-smog-cloud that you could not even SEE through, stumbling over small concrete boulevards because we couldn't make out the ground through it. Seriously this was OUTSIDE!! We lit our smokes, took a drag and just couldn't do it, the air was too gross. So we went back inside.

    I was so grossed out, I said to my friends that once this pack of smokes was done (there was 4 left) that I was done for good. And I have not bought a pack since then. My fiance followed suit a week or two later. Sure there has been the odd time when after a few vodkas we 'cheated' and shared a flavored cigarello, split a bummed cig, or stole a drag off a friend. But these things are not deal breakers, merely minor setbacks. As long as you in your head are still a non-smoker then small cheats are no big deal.

    Now at almost a year, we no longer 'cheat', no longer feel the desire to. And on the rare occasions I've had too many vodkas out with the girls and asked for a drag I regret it hugely because it makes my mouth taste awful for at least half an hour and affirms my mind that I am done with cigarettes. I am done with smoking - for good.

    And it feels great. Sure I gained a few pounds, but only a few and it was minimized with running and whitewater rafting (I started guiding last summer)
  • kmjenkins
    kmjenkins Posts: 396 Member
    I stopped smoking about a week after joining MFP and have lost 19 lbs so far, and have been smoke free for over a month. I did quit smoking using Chantix (had extremely minimal side effects, slight nausea the first few weeks and vivid dreams). I did not take the full 12 weeks of Chantix, I stopped taking it about 9 days ago, I really have no desire to smoke anymore and am so proud of myself and so glad that I quit. I was not a social smoker either, I smoked for 10 years 1-1 1/2 packs per day. The first week was tough to fulfill that habit, but I just kept telling myself how much I wanted to be healthy and have been very successful so far with both not smoking and getting healthier weight/food wise. Good luck!
