Hopeful as always

I'm hopeful as always when I start a diet...for about 3 weeks then stress, my Period, whatever makes me excuse a slip here and a slip there until, quickly enough I'm back at the begining; disgusted with myself and feeling as dumpy/bumpy as ever.

I came home after visiting Forever 21 with my elegant 13 year old daughter where I saw a cute outfit that was age appropriate for a gramma; feminine, sexy, and simple. At my weight I would look like a tomato with mold at the bottom if I wore it. This site was mentioned by a FB friend and I thought, "why not; better than looking like a moldy veggie".

I'm 49.5 years old, no health problems other than lower back pain that I'm sucessfully addressing with physical therapy, with a great deal of an entitlement problem when it comes to food. I weigh 217 lbs, stand 5' 8" and want to weigh 165 lbs--that's 20 lbs more thant the BMI says I should be but I don't want to look like a twig. My down falls are the entitlement to food that I mentioned; real cream in my coffee in the morning (I can limit myself to 1 cup); and a very sedentary job with odd hours since I home school my daughter. And I refuse to eat artifical anything--sugar, fat, McDonalds, etc.; if Nature didn't make it, I don't consume it.

I'm wondering about menu suggestions? Especially things I can easily prepare and carry with me.

Best of luck to us all! May we find that slip-ups are learning experiences rather than failures.