Losing weight or losing fat?

I am 5'6" and about 130 pounds, placing me perfectly on the BMI index. The thing is, I'm still very chubby. I'm not sure why I weigh so little because I am rather muscular from many sports and yet still have fat. I really do think I should lose some more weight to be healthier but if I do, I might just go onto the underweight category on the BMI index. Would it really be unhealthy to get to my goal of 120 pounds?


  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    First of all, I wouldn't go by BMI. I don't even take that seriously especially for someone who is muscular and athletic. You weigh less than me and I am 5'2" and 125 - 130 would be my ideal weight because that's where I was before I gained this weight and I felt and looked great. Females always have higher fat than men too. It's just how it is. And if you're muscular then that's a good thing. It's so much better to be lean than bony.

    And it's only unhealthy if you aren't eating properly or treating your body right. If you are doing all the right things and get down to 120...GREAT FOR YOU!!! Just do it the right way and be happy. That's all you can do!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Not that I agree with using BMI, but you would still be in the Healthy range at 5'6 120 (19.4, the bottom of the healthy range is 18.5). Instead of focusing on weight loss, try focusing on fat loss. You do this by increasing protein, lift more weights, if you are not doing much already, and most importantly try losing 0.5 lbs/week at the most. Trying to lose weight when already at a healthy weight may lead to loss of muscle along with the fat. Don't be afraid of heavy weights, you wont bulk up on a caloric deficit diet.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Possibly. My bottom range for 5'2" is like 118. I don't expect to get there. Check out the link in my signature, 'relatively light looking to get leaner'. It's a long post but the OP gives some great information.

    You will probably have to stop focusing on the numbers on the scale. That's what I'm doing. Once I have all the equipment I need I will be starting some heavy weight lifting. (Oh and my ticker will be going away too because if I am going to be weight lifting I will not be restricting calories. I'm set to maintain right now and will probably up that again once I start).
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    go to GNC and pick up a Fat Loss monitor so you can start tracking your body fat %. That number is way more important then the scale number anyway.

    I would suggest lifting more weights and some moderate cardio. That way you can still be the same weight you are now just with a lower body fat % and a more toned look ;-)
  • claire_b79
    claire_b79 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm the same height and weight and I have a lot of chub in places I would rather not. I'm trying to get down to 125ish but more importantly i want to lose fat and gain muscle.