How to reduce Sodium intake

Hey biggest struggle at this point in time is reducing my sodium intake..I mean I am way way way over almost everyday. I eat alot of chicken, but the box stuff is just filled with sodium, so I started by the fresh chicken. I try to eat fresh vegs & fruit....just wondering what others are doing to help decrease sodium i take....or if anyone has good reciepts? Thanks a bunch:)


  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    the best thing you can do is just check everything before eating it, of course box stuff has a lot, just use fresh and question everything. the internet is your friend to find out better choices for your favorite foods that might contain a lot of sodium.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    man, I avoid processed foods like the plague.............everything processed literally has tons of sodium and sugar.........I ate 70 percent fruits and vegetables for 11 months and made my own processed

    I was lucky, I had the time to go out of the way, I know processed is convenient, but its like they make you pay the price.........

    try adding more fruits and vegetables if that could help you.........Lloyd
  • angelarozmyn
    stay away from any packaged food. Don't worry too much about the sodium occurring in vegetables, fruits, etc...your body needs a certain amount of salt to function properly :)
  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
    I have to watch mine to. I have been eating fresh chicken then brown rice with steam broc. I'm trying to cut out the frozen meals and make sure all my snacks r fresh fruit & veggies that way it doesn't take up the sodium I might have to add in for dinner or lunch.:smile:
  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    Your best bet is to only eat fresh and whole foods. Processed and canned foods are loaded with soduim.
  • kayelkay
    Try to eat only fresh foods and avoid anything processed. If you are going to eat something processed, check the sodium content before deciding to eat. Something simple like ....salsa can send you over you daily amount after only a few tablespoons
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I avoid all processed foods. Last week was difficult because I have night classes when I'd normally eat dinner. So I was getting food on the way home because I didn't want to cook after I put my kids to bed. But normally I make all our food and I don't have a problem staying well under my sodium limit.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    My husband could not have salt the only thing that I found in the store that did not have salt was frozen peas. Meat has it the cattle use salt licks and of course fish live in it. All that you can do is eat fresh and monitor it but you body does need some sodium
  • omelas75
    omelas75 Posts: 9 Member
    Stay away from processed foods. It is hard at first because of the convenient but once you get started making certain things instead of buying them frozen or packaged, it is so worth it. I work full time, go to school and am a single mother. I know the necessity of certain foods. This is what I do -

    Do alot of meal/food preparation on the weekend. I make 6-8 servings of steel-cut oatmeal, quinoa, and soups(my own with no salt added tomatoes, beans, veggies, and tons of spices/herbs). I make hard-boiled eggs, chicken to shred and cube, 2 kinds of fish marinated.

    I then invested in a lot of those small, medium and large plastic containers and prepack salads (without dressing), measure out servings of oatmeal, quinoa, soup, sandwiches, chicken, etc.

    THE BEST INVESTMENT EVER - Microwave Steamer. I use the Ziploc bags. I can steam a ton of veggies with the meat I have already prepared.

    Viola - dinner is served! between karate, night classes, work, cub get it!