
Hi All,

Been lurking here for a couple of weeks now so thought I would say Hello.

I'm 34 and from Dorset in the UK

After being diagnosed with high blood pressure late last year, I decided it was time to try and shift a few pounds and get back to some level of fitness in the hope of avoiding medication.... So I'm a couple of months into that journey now and have managed to drop from 88kg to 83.5kg but still have a way to go.

I'm starting to re-discover my love of 2 wheels and I am now back using the bike for both weekend fun and commuting, and this combined with using MFP to track what I eat is really helping to shift the weight.

Good luck everyone



  • nichola_watters
    Hi, I was 226lbs at mt heaviest, I dieted, then stopped then started again. This time round I have lost 16lbs, but 26lbs in total. I am doing it for me, to feel better about myself, no-one else really involved, for once its all about me!
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    Hi Ian,
    Congrats on your success so far...great job! Getting your bike out and using it for both pleasure and commuting is definitely a good way to get your exercising in every day. Sounds like you are on your way to a successful journey. I wish you all the best...this site will definitely help you stay focused and there are so many people here to give you support.

    Take care,
  • kjc7
    kjc7 Posts: 14
    Hi Ian,

    If you love biking and wanted to lose a few look for this book, "Ride your way lean". It explains lots of how your body works, good calories and bad calories, exercises, training programs, lots of stuff. Don't be intimidated by any of it, the book is an easy, fun read and the information is very accessible.

    Best of luck. See you on the road.
  • heidijo22
    excuse me, how do you post on a message board? im really confused and dont know how to post! thanks! :)
  • heidijo22
    how do i start a topic? ahhhh!
  • kjc7
    kjc7 Posts: 14
    Hi again Ian...let me answer Heidijo22's question.

    Go to Message Board -> Home then click on one of the topics that is appropriate, like Exercise And Fitness. In the upper right hand corner is a green button, New Topic.

    Back on your bike Ian! :-)