BUNNYB Posts: 91
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
:smile: Hey everyone!!!
New here, found this by trying to google a calorie counter cause i was curious on some of the calories to my fav. snacks and foods!! I thought maybe by looking at the numbers it would shock me so I would stop eating them....!!! Good thought process!

I'm from Ontario, Canada, and have noticed a lot of you from the USA, thats awesome!
Im trying to lose and tighten more after just having our second baby! She's 10wks old, I have lost all of my baby weight and am currently at my pre pregnancy weight... however... we have some serious MUFFIN top going on!! and the thighs..... ya..... I lost a lot of my muscle during this pregnancy, and want to get rid of my mom arms :) Im 25, and the happiest mummy out there!! My kids and hubby are my life as well as my career... but I need to do this... I need direction, and hope this works!


    BUNNYB Posts: 91
    :smile: Hey everyone!!!
    New here, found this by trying to google a calorie counter cause i was curious on some of the calories to my fav. snacks and foods!! I thought maybe by looking at the numbers it would shock me so I would stop eating them....!!! Good thought process!

    I'm from Ontario, Canada, and have noticed a lot of you from the USA, thats awesome!
    Im trying to lose and tighten more after just having our second baby! She's 10wks old, I have lost all of my baby weight and am currently at my pre pregnancy weight... however... we have some serious MUFFIN top going on!! and the thighs..... ya..... I lost a lot of my muscle during this pregnancy, and want to get rid of my mom arms :) Im 25, and the happiest mummy out there!! My kids and hubby are my life as well as my career... but I need to do this... I need direction, and hope this works!
  • redalee
    redalee Posts: 256 Member
    Hi Bunny! Just to let you know this site does work!
    Congratulations! A baby girl.....bet she's cute as a button. Good luck with your toning!
  • mshunk
    mshunk Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats on being at your prepregnancy weight - - I had my second baby 13 months ago, and just got to my prepregnany weight - - not easy, but this sight is GREAT!!!! Good Luck!
  • hello. i too just had a second baby 7 weeks ago. i am having alot more problem loosing this weight than with my first baby. its funny cause the way i found this site is by looking for a calorie counter also. hehe:tongue:
  • Welcome to the site and GREAT LUCK to you! I have 4 kids. Unlike you, I waited way too long to try to lose the baby fat (my youngest is now 5). But, better late then never. Welcome!
  • Welcome Bunny!
  • Aline
    Aline Posts: 9
    Welcome and good luck to you. I'm also trying to adjust to my new life being a mother of two children, I have a 6 yr old daughter and a almost 11 month old son. I am also a new business owner in Esthetic's. After my first child I went from 241 pounds to 218 pounds I thought this is great! Not even a year later I was involved in a car accident that minimized my physical activity. After three and a half years I gained all my weight back an a few pounds extra. :sad:

    I got pregnant in May 2006 and had my son in December, since then I have not lost much. I guess you can say i am depressed about it, I don't seem to be unhappy but I am because of my weight gain. Today is a new day and I'm ready to start all over again. I know I have lost of hard work to do and lots of soul searching to do. I hope that you are able to achieve your goal. The best to you and goals.

  • mshunk
    mshunk Posts: 21 Member
    How is it going Bunny? I have just hit the 26 pound weight loss mark, 10 more to go until pre 1st baby weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker:
  • pinky
    pinky Posts: 6
    Hi Bunny i too came up on this side by look up calorie's i had my 3rd baby 8 month's ago im happy you joind. i join 2 week's ago and have lot's 4 bls. loggin in my calories have help me.
  • Welcome! I found this site by googling the same thing. I pretty new myself, two weeks into the new way of life and I love it. Hope you enjoy this program as much as I have.:happy:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Your kids are so cute. Congrats. I wish you luck. You have come to a great place.

    Najah5150-haven't seen you in a while. Nice to see you!
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